Page 223 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 31, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 223
Protestants on the basis of existing sources. It was different for his university-educated
son Janez (IV) (1536–1595), who in 1557 acquired estates in Upper Austria and decided
to move from Carniola. In the 1560s, he already permanently resided at the new Winde-
gg estate, to which he also added the lordship of Schwertberg, and managed his Carnio-
lan business through the bailiffs of his Carniolan lordships. It was at this time that he ex-
plicitly supported Carniolan reformers, as evidenced by the fourth urbarium (Gültbuch)
for Carniola. Before May 1564, Janez of Tschernembl donated a decent fortune to Mat-
ija Klombner, the organizer of Carniolan Protestantism and the first apostate, and it is
quite possible that Matija’s relative Janez Klombner served as his bailiff. In addition, Jan-
ez of Tschernembl materially supported Protestant preachers Gregor Vlahovič, Gašper
(Kumperger), Tomaž Jagodič and Jurij Maček. Vlahovič preached in the town of Möt-
tling/Metlika, and the latter three in his lordships Hmeljnik/Hopfenbach and Novi grad
pri Boštanju/Obererkenstein.

This explicit support of Reformation by Janez of Tschernembl, attested in the tax
books dates back to the period between 1564 and 1569, when Janez and his family were
already permanently living in Upper Austria. He seems to have been in Carniola for the
last time in May 1564. Two years later he was admitted to the lordly bench of the Upper
Austrian estates and was appointed envoy to the imperial court and Protestant school
superintendent. Janez of Tschernembl thus supported the Carniolan reformers from the
rather distant Upper Austria, which indicates contacts and connections between the two
lands that have not been known or at least not emphasized so far. In his last years, he
decorated his family name with high titles in Upper Austria, far from his homeland. In
1592 he served as the deputy of Upper Austria (Verwalter der Landeshauptmannschaft ob
der Enns), and two years later he was also the councilor (Verordneter der Herrenstandes).
He died in August 1595. He was survived by no less than twenty-two children, whom
he had with three wives, among them the famous politician and lawyer Jurij Erazem of
Tschernembl (1567–1626).

Key words: Reformation, Protestantism, Carniola, lords of Tschernembl, Upper

Die Herren von Tschernembl als Unterstützer der Reformation in Krain
Das Adelsgeschlecht der Herren von Tschernembl, deren Wappen einen silbernen
Schild mit einem in schwarz und rot Schachweiß geteilten Schräglinksbalken zeigt, ge-
hörte im 14. Jahrhundert zur Görzer Ministerialität. Nach dem Aussterben des istri-
schen Zweigs der Grafen von Görz wurden sie zu habsburgischen Vasallen und erwie-
sen sich durchgehend in ihrem Dienst. Ihren Höhepunkt erreichte die Adelsfamilie im
15. Jahrhundert unter Martin von Tschernembl und seinen Neffen, Caspar und Georg,
den Söhnen von Petrus von Tschernembl. Die beiden wurden in den Herrenstand auf-
genommen, so dass auch ihre Nachkommen den Freiherrntitel trugen, des Weiteren
wurden sie mit dem Erbschenkenamt im Herzogtum Krain und in der Windischen

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