Page 227 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 32, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 227
as štala ‘barn’—volovska štala ‘oxen barn’, ovčja štala ‘sheep barn’, kozja štala ‘goat barn’;
set phrases with established use). Entries with subentries and the order of entries itself
also bring into focus various types of semantic relations between lexical items, including
synonymy, where pairs of loan and native synonyms stand out in particular (e.g. punt—
zaveza ‘bond’, gmerati—množiti ‘to multiply’); antonymy (e.g. čast ‘honor’—nečast ‘dis-
grace’); the semantic difference between the source word and its derivative (e.g. kamen
‘stone’—kamčič ‘little stone’). Verbal entries with added subentries demonstrate various
types of formation of aspectual pairs, e.g. sejati—obsejati ‘to sow’, nagniti—nagibati ‘to
lean’. In cases where members of the pair differ by the type of action (e.g. gibati se—gan-
iti se ‘to move’), the semantic difference is added to the aspectual one.

A re-comparison of Bohorič’s glossaries and Megiser’s dictionaries—his quadrilin-
gual dictionary with German as the source language (MD 1592) and multilingual dic-
tionary with Latin as the source (MTh 1603)—that included data on how widely the us-
age of this lexicon was spread, confirmed the hypothesis that the glossaries were one of
Megiser’s main lexicographic sources of Slovene equivalents. (This data is one of the re-
sults of the complete excerption of the Slovene texts in book publications in the period
of 1550–1603). Megiser’s consideration of Bohorič’s glossaries is most clearly evident in
approximately 90 words that cannot be found in other works. In addition, the glossa-
ries proved to be a useful reference work for citing widespread and commonly used lex-
icon. A typological difference between the compared lexicographic works is reflected in
differences in their informativity as well as in the number of foreign-language equiva-
lents and included Slovene equivalents. The increased number of Slovene synonyms in
Megiser’s multilingual dictionaries was the result of Megiser’s inclusion of the Register
(1584) and his ever-improving knowledge of the Slovene literary language and some Slo-
vene dialects (e.g., Carinthian).

Keywords: Adam Bohorič, lexicography, glossaries in Bohorič’s grammar, dictionary
informativity, Megiser’s multilingual dictionaries

Adam Bohoričs Beitrag zur slowenischen Lexikographie
Die Lexikographie gehört zu einer der zentralen Tätigkeiten Adam Bohoričs, die
mit der slowenischen Schriftsprache des 16. Jahrhunderts verbunden sind. Bohorič gilt
als mutmaßlicher Autor von drei Arten von Wörterbüchern: 1. eines verschollenen drei-
sprachigen Glossars mit Latein als Ausgangssprache, das für Schulzwecke zusammen-
gestellt wurde (Nomenclatura trium linguarum, um 1580); 2. des Registers in der Dal-
matin-Bibelübersetzung aus dem Jahr 1584 (möglicherweise auch des kürzeren Regis-
ters in der Dalmatin-Bibel von 1578), das durch ergänzende dialektale Synonyme und
Äquivalente aus kroatischen Dialekten das Verständnis der im zentralslowenischen Ge-
biet verwendeten Ausdrücke ermöglicht; 3. sechs slowenisch-lateinisch-deutscher Glos-
sare, welche in die Grammatik Arcticae horulae ſucciſivae (1584) eingeschlossen sind: In
den ersten drei werden Nomina (Substantive und Adjektive) aller drei Geschlechter be-

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