Page 231 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 32, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 231

razdelimo v tri sklope. Na podlagi zbranega in pregledanega arhivskega gradiva je ob-
javil nekaj drobcev iz zgodovine reformacije in protireformacije na Kranjskem, osvetlil
je vlogo žensk v obdobju reformacije in protireformacije ter rekonstruiral življenje ne-
katerih izbranih protagonistov v kratkih biografskih skicah, posebno zavezanost pa je
čutil do rodbine Turjaških, ki so ga, predvsem grof Anton Aleksander von Auersperg
(1806–1876), finančno podpirali pri njegovih raziskavah in mu pogosto tudi pomagali iz
finančnih stisk. Tudi zaradi tega je ena izmed njegovih monografij, posvečena Herbar-
du VIII. Turjaškem (izšla 1862), dolgo časa veljala za temeljno delo in najizčrpnejšo bio-
grafijo o tem kranjskem junaku v boju proti Turkom in gorečem zagovorniku protestan-
tizma, ponatisnil in na kratko komentiral pa je tudi pogrebno pridigo Krištofa Spindler-
ja (1546–1591) na Herbardovem pogrebu septembra 1575. Radicsevi prispevki o reforma-
cijskem obdobju in protireformaciji, ki je sledila, se opirajo na arhivske vire in pričajo o
strokovnih ter znanstvenih kompetencah avtorja. V prispevku so zbrane tovrstne obja-
ve, na kratko pa je predstavljena tudi njihova vsebina.

Ključne besede: Peter pl. Radics, zgodovina reformacije, zgodovina protireformacije,
Herbard VIII. Turjaški, rodbina Auersperg

Contributions of Peter von Radics (1836–1912) on the Reformation Period
in Carniola
Publicist, editor, historian and ardent researcher of the Carniolan history Peter von
Radics (1836–1912) was one of the most prolific authors of his time. His bibliography
contains more than 550 titles, 76 of which are lengthy discussions published in books.
In his texts, Radics examined historical, cultural-historical, ethnographic, genealogi-
cal and theatrical topics. He was also interested in economic and social issues, and in
some papers, he focused on researching the Reformation and Counter-Reformation pe-
riod in Carniola. The texts and discussions that Radics dedicated to this period can be
divided into three sections. On the basis of collected and reviewed archival material, he
published a few fragments from the history of Reformation and Counter-Reformation
in Carniola, shed light on the role of women in the Reformation and Counter-Refor-
mation period, and reconstructed the lives of selected protagonists in short biograph-
ical sketches. He was strongly committed to the noble family of Auerspergs (Turjaški),
who—Count Anton Alexander von Auersperg (1806–1876) in particular—financially
supported his research and often helped him out of financial difficulties. This is one of
the reasons why one of his monographs, dedicated to Herbard VIII. Turjaški (published
in 1862), had long been considered a fundamental work and the most comprehensive
biography of this Carniolan hero in the fight against the Turks and an ardent advocate
of Protestantism. Radics also reprinted and briefly commented on the funeral sermon
of Krištof Spindler (1546–1591) at Herbard’s funeral in September 1575. Radics’ contribu-
tions on the Reformation and Counter-Reformation period are based on archival sourc-

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