Page 238 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 32, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 238
UDC 929Söderberg H.:261
821.113.6.09Söderberg H.
Nada Grošelj
Poblisk v religiološko misel Hjalmarja Söderberga
Švedski pisatelj Hjalmar Söderberg (1869–1941) je svetovno cenjen zaradi svojih le-
poslovnih del, manj znane pa so njegove poznejše študije v zgodovini religije, v katerih
je pretresal drzne rekonstrukcije in interpretacije svetopisemskih dogodkov. Od trojice
njegovih religioloških monografij se osredotočam na prvenec, Jahvejev ogenj (Jahves eld,
1918). Vodilna teza o Mojzesovi zgodbi, ki jo prinaša protagonist Markel, se glasi, da so
bili nadnaravni dogodki na gori in ob njenem vznožju v Drugi Mojzesovi knjigi, ki jim je
izraelska množica prisostvovala zgolj od daleč, v resnici scensko dognana in spektaku-
larna oblika prvobitnega, predjudovskega bogoslužja, ki je bilo doma na tem prostoru.
Ogenj, dim in bobnenje, ki v svetopisemskem besedilu spremljajo božje prihode, naj bi
bili kratko malo spektakel za množico, te »posebne« učinke pa naj bi Mojzes in njegovi
nasledniki dosegali z uporabo neke vrste smodnika. V zadnjem delu prispevka osvetlju-
jem avtorjevo vpetost v njegov čas in tedanje duhovno-intelektualne premike ter njegov
odnos do religije, kakor se kaže v nekaterih njegovih leposlovnih delih.
Ključne besede: zgodovina religije, švedska književnost, Mojzes, razlaga Biblije, mi-
sel zgodnjega 20. stoletja
A Glimpse into the Religious Studies of Hjalmar Söderberg
While the Swedish writer Hjalmar Söderberg (1869–1941) gained a worldwide re-
putation with his fiction, his later studies in the history of religion, with their discussi-
ons of daring reconstructions and interpretations of Biblical events, are more obscure.
Of his three monographs on religious history, the paper focuses on his début, The Fire of
Yahweh (Jahves eld, 1918). The key thesis about the story of Moses as proposed by Mar-
kel, the protagonist, claims that the supernatural events in the Book of Exodus which
took place on and at the foot of the mountain, and were witnessed by the Israelite crowd
from a distance, were in fact an elaborate and spectacular form of pre-Jewish worship in
the area. According to Markel, the fire, smoke and thunder accompanying God’s appea-
rances in the Bible were simply a spectacle for the crowd, and these ‘special effects’ might
well have been produced by Moses and his successors through gunpowder.
The final part of the paper outlines Söderberg’s immersion in his time and in the spi-
ritual and intellectual shifts of the period, as well as his attitude to religion as demonstra-
ted in some examples of his fiction.
Keywords: history of religion, Swedish literature, Moses, Bible interpretation, ear-
ly 20th century thought
UDC 929Söderberg H.:261
821.113.6.09Söderberg H.
Nada Grošelj
Poblisk v religiološko misel Hjalmarja Söderberga
Švedski pisatelj Hjalmar Söderberg (1869–1941) je svetovno cenjen zaradi svojih le-
poslovnih del, manj znane pa so njegove poznejše študije v zgodovini religije, v katerih
je pretresal drzne rekonstrukcije in interpretacije svetopisemskih dogodkov. Od trojice
njegovih religioloških monografij se osredotočam na prvenec, Jahvejev ogenj (Jahves eld,
1918). Vodilna teza o Mojzesovi zgodbi, ki jo prinaša protagonist Markel, se glasi, da so
bili nadnaravni dogodki na gori in ob njenem vznožju v Drugi Mojzesovi knjigi, ki jim je
izraelska množica prisostvovala zgolj od daleč, v resnici scensko dognana in spektaku-
larna oblika prvobitnega, predjudovskega bogoslužja, ki je bilo doma na tem prostoru.
Ogenj, dim in bobnenje, ki v svetopisemskem besedilu spremljajo božje prihode, naj bi
bili kratko malo spektakel za množico, te »posebne« učinke pa naj bi Mojzes in njegovi
nasledniki dosegali z uporabo neke vrste smodnika. V zadnjem delu prispevka osvetlju-
jem avtorjevo vpetost v njegov čas in tedanje duhovno-intelektualne premike ter njegov
odnos do religije, kakor se kaže v nekaterih njegovih leposlovnih delih.
Ključne besede: zgodovina religije, švedska književnost, Mojzes, razlaga Biblije, mi-
sel zgodnjega 20. stoletja
A Glimpse into the Religious Studies of Hjalmar Söderberg
While the Swedish writer Hjalmar Söderberg (1869–1941) gained a worldwide re-
putation with his fiction, his later studies in the history of religion, with their discussi-
ons of daring reconstructions and interpretations of Biblical events, are more obscure.
Of his three monographs on religious history, the paper focuses on his début, The Fire of
Yahweh (Jahves eld, 1918). The key thesis about the story of Moses as proposed by Mar-
kel, the protagonist, claims that the supernatural events in the Book of Exodus which
took place on and at the foot of the mountain, and were witnessed by the Israelite crowd
from a distance, were in fact an elaborate and spectacular form of pre-Jewish worship in
the area. According to Markel, the fire, smoke and thunder accompanying God’s appea-
rances in the Bible were simply a spectacle for the crowd, and these ‘special effects’ might
well have been produced by Moses and his successors through gunpowder.
The final part of the paper outlines Söderberg’s immersion in his time and in the spi-
ritual and intellectual shifts of the period, as well as his attitude to religion as demonstra-
ted in some examples of his fiction.
Keywords: history of religion, Swedish literature, Moses, Bible interpretation, ear-
ly 20th century thought