Page 236 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 32, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 236
de na tekstološki aparat v kritični ediciji DJAK) ter 5) študije o Komenskem v njego-
vem času in evropskem prostoru, pa tudi 6) razprave o slovenski recepciji Komenskega.

Ključne besede: Komenský, Velika didaktika, edicija, editologija, recepcija
Komenský and “Age of Extremes” among Slovenes 1
Didactica magna (The Great Didactic) and Komenský in its latest Edition
The discussion presents a semantic, rhetorical, historiographical, methodological
and editorial analysis of the only edition of Jan Amos Komenský’s fundamental work in
the modern Slovene language—Didactica magna or The Great Didactic (Sl. Velika didak-
tika, Novo mesto, 1995)—that was met with reception (i.e., was accessible to the public).
The analysis suggests that this edition—for reasons unexplained—lacks the basic deter-
minants of scientific work and thus cannot be a valid ground for the reception of Jan
Amos Komenský, either for the reader-expert or for the general reader.
From the editorial point of view, the edition does not provide clear information
about the original text, and there is no editorial report or comment on individual pas-
sages of the original / translation, e.g. unravelling citations in the original—all of which
have been the standard knowledge repertoire of scientific editions of sources, even
scholarly critical editions of translations since the early 19th century. The edition is not
based on the scientific publication Dílo Jana Amose Komenského 15/1 (Academia: Praha,
1986), which since its publication has been the primary textual base for every reader-ex-
pert’s understanding of The Great Didactic and a mandatory textual starting point for
re-creative reception in the form of translation. The analysed edition does not include
comments, and since it only provides translation without any additional knowledge ap-
paratus, it cannot be considered as popularizing either.
The current situation impedes a full reception of Komenský and indicates the need
to prepare a new critical translated edition of his selected didactic writings, where opti-
mal results could be achieved by collaboration of experts from various disciplines (dif-
ferent branches of historiography, didactics, pedagogy, history of science). The edition
should be 1) written in modern literary language and based on the historical-critical edi-
tion of Dílo Jana Amosa Komenského. 2) It should include selected fundamental didac-
tic writings of Komenský, 3) obligatory editorial and translation report, 4) explanatory
comments and translations, and 5) European studies on Komenský in his time, as well
as 6) discussions on the reception of Komenský in Slovenia.
Keywords: Komenský (Comenius), Didactica magna (The Great Didactic), recep-
tion, editology, edition

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