Page 125 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 125

Choral Singing as a Means of Increasing Wellbeing in
                         Youth and Adults: Prisma Review
               Zborovsko petje kot sredstvo spodbujanja blagostanja pri
                              mladih in odraslih – PRISMA

                                     Jovana Milošević
                             Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za glasbo

           Abstract:  This study investigates how choral singing enhances wellbeing in adolescents
           and adults compared to other leisure activities. Despite extensive research on the ben-
           efits of choral singing for adults, its impact on adolescent wellbeing is less understood.
           The study examines the psychological, social, emotional, cognitive, and physical bene-
           fits of choir participation.
           A comprehensive search across various databases identified 1,377 papers, with 12 studies
           meeting the inclusion criteria: mixed-method (n = 5), qualitative (n = 1), and quantitative
           (n = 6). The studies included a diverse age range, categorized into predominantly adoles-
           cents (n = 4) and predominantly adults (n = 8).
           Psychological wellbeing was the most frequently studied dimension, highlighting en-
           hanced quality of life, life satisfaction, and motivation. Social wellbeing, emphasizing
           identity, social connectedness, and inclusion, was also prominent. Emotional wellbeing
           improvements included better mood and stress reduction. Cognitive benefits such as in-
           creased focus and improved musical skills were evident, alongside physical benefits like
           improved vocal health and fitness.
           The review highlights the unique advantages of choral singing over solo singing and oth-
           er activities, especially in social and psychological aspects. The scarcity of adolescent-fo-
           cused research suggests a need for further studies, including longitudinal research, to ex-
           plore the long-term effects of choir participation on youth wellbeing.
           Keywords: choral singing, wellbeing, adolescents, adults, stimulating musical environ-
           ment, PRISMA

           Izvleček: Pričujoča raziskava raziskuje, kako zborovsko petje izboljšuje blagostanje pri
           mladostnikih in odraslih v primerjavi z drugimi prostočasnimi dejavnostmi. Kljub ob-
           sežnim raziskavam o koristih zborovskega petja za odrasle je njegov vpliv na blagosta-
           nje mladostnikov manj razumljen. Raziskava preučuje psihološke, socialne, čustvene,
           kognitivne in fizične koristi sodelovanja v zboru. Obsežno iskanje po različnih bazah
           podatkov je identificiralo 1.377 člankov, od katerih je 12 raziskav izpolnjevalo merila za
           vključitev: mešane metode (n = 5), kvalitativne (n = 1) in kvantitativne (n = 6). Raziskave
           so vključevale raznolike starostne skupine, ki so bile razvrščene v pretežno mladostni-
           ke (n = 4) in pretežno odrasle (n = 8). Psihološko blagostanje je bila najpogosteje preu-
           čevana dimenzija, ki poudarja izboljšano kakovost življenja, življenjsko zadovoljstvo in

           Izvirni znanstveni članek ◆ Original Scientific Article  © Author
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