Page 122 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 122

vanju njihovih individualnih lastnosti, sposobnosti in posebnosti ter uvedbo
             glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
               možnosti individualnega prilagajanja programov.
                   Spremembe v izobraževalnem sistemu glasbenega izobraževanja so pot-
               rebne, vendar ne bi smele rušiti poslanstva, nalog in ciljev, ki ga ima obstoje-
               če glasbeno šolstvo.

               Denac, O. (2002). Glasba pri celostnem razvoju otrokove osebnosti. Zavod
                   Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
               Habe, K. (2018). Z glasbo do učencu prijaznejšega učnega okolja in boljših
                   učnih rezultatov. Pedagoška obzorja, 33(2), 3–19. 
               Pesek, A. (1997). Otroci v svetu glasbe. Državna založba Slovenije.
               Rutar, D. (2010). Model pomoči učiteljem: nekateri temeljni pojmi. V D.
                   Rutar (ur.), Inkluzija in inkluzivnost: model nudenja pomoči učiteljem
                   pri delu z dijaki s posebnimi potrebami, ki so integrirani v redne oddelke
                   (str. 30–32). Ljubljana: Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje.
               Ustava Republike Slovenije. (1991). Uradni list Republike Slovenije, (33).
               Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami (ZUOPP). (2000). Uradni
                   list Republike Slovenije, (54).
               Združeni narodi. (2006, 13. december). Konvencija o pravicah invalidov.
               Zorič, G. (2023, 5. junij). Glasbena pedagogika: pomen in vloga glasbenega
                   izobraževanja. Kulturno medijski center Slovenije. https://

               UDC 376:78

               Music enables children with special needs to develop holistically, enriching their lives
               and facilitating communication and socialization. Strikingly talented students can be
               found in the population of children with special needs, among them students with abso-
               lute pitch, students with an exceptional musical memory, musically creative students and
               students with exceptional motor skills. As educators, it is our duty to discover these won-
               derful individuals, guide their development and participate in their progress. We are also
               obliged to bring these facts again and again to the attention of the community, society,
               and the relevant institutions as well as look for opportunities to grant them recognition
               through the media, public performances, etc.
               The work of music pedagogues encompasses a wide range of tasks, important both for
               the individual and their development as well as for the enrichment of society as a whole.
               They are crucial in the process of the formation and education of future musicians and
               what is more, they facilitate the spread of musical culture among individuals of all ages.

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