Page 126 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 126

motivacijo. Socialno blagostanje, ki poudarja identiteto, socialno povezanost in vključe-
             glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
               nost, je bilo prav tako pomembno. Izboljšanje čustvenega blagostanja je vključevalo bolj-
               še razpoloženje in zmanjšanje stresa. Očitne so bile kognitivne koristi, kot so povečana
               osredotočenost in izboljšane glasbene veščine, poleg fizičnih koristi, kot sta izboljšano
               zdravje glasu in telesna pripravljenost. Pregled literature poudarja edinstvene prednosti
               zborovskega petja v primerjavi s solo petjem in z drugimi dejavnostmi, zlasti na področju
               socialnih in psiholoških vidikov. Pomanjkanje raziskav, osredotočenih na mladostnike,
               kaže na potrebo po nadaljnjih raziskavah, vključno z longitudinalnimi raziskavami, v ka-
               terih bi raziskali dolgoročne učinke sodelovanja v zboru na blagostanje mladih.
               Ključne besede: zborovsko petje, blagostanje, mladostniki, odrasli, stimulativno glasbeno
               okolje, PRISMA


                      he significance of wellbeing, particularly in the context of choral sing-
                      ing, has gained prominence since the development of the psycholog-
               Tical wellbeing model by Ryff (1989). This model aimed to address the
               neglected aspect of positive functioning, emphasizing life satisfaction, self-ac-
               tualization, emotional stability and happiness for mental health. Music’s pos-
               itive impact on the wellbeing of individuals across different age groups is
               well-documented. Research conducted in the fields of mental health, psychol-
               ogy, arts, music and communication supports that community music activi-
               ties, specifically choral singing, contribute to emotional, psychological and so-
               cial wellbeing (Damsgaard & Jensen, 2021; Williams et al., 2018). Engagement
               in group singing has been shown to enhance the wellbeing of adults, including
               mental health, emotional-social benefits and self-efficacy (Livesey et al., 2012).
                   Despite the findings of studies on the wellbeing of choral singing for
               adults, there remains a gap in research concerning the impact of choral par-
               ticipation on the wellbeing of adolescents. This systematic review aims to syn-
               thesize published literature related to the wellbeing of adolescents and adults
               engaged in choral singing. Specifically, it seeks to explore how choral singing
               contributes to psychological, social, emotional, cognitive and physical wellbe-
               ing in both age groups. Additionally, the unique benefits of singing in a choir
               compared to other leisure activities (group and individual) will be examined,
               as well as the long-term effects of active involvement in choral singing on the
               holistic wellbeing of youth. The review will also investigate the effects of active
               participation in choral singing on the overall wellbeing and life satisfaction of
               young individuals, addressing aspects that have not been explored in previous
               research. By identifying the characteristics and strategies employed in select-
               ed studies, this review aims to provide valuable insights into the significance

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