Page 43 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 43

music improvisation was the most commonly used. A qualitative research approach was
           used in all studies, with observation, interviewing and survey research techniques em-
           ployed. Findings of the study are grouped into four themes: (1) sense of connectedness
           and belonging, (2) fostering social interaction and developing social skills, (3) sense of
           well-being and satisfaction, and (4) the importance of social relationships for musical im-
           provisation. All the themes are interlinked – musical improvisation, with its unique na-
           ture and form, provides an opportunity for social bonding, contributes to a sense of be-
           longing, can lead to a higher level of social interaction outside the context of musical
           activities, and gives a sense of well-being and satisfaction in the individual. Higher quali-
           ty social interactions, manifested in closer social relationships, lead to higher quality mu-
           sical improvisation. Our research lays the foundations for further studies on the benefits
           of musical improvisation for social bonding, and it would be useful to examine the dif-
           ference in the enhancement of feelings of interconnectedness and group belonging be-
           tween non-creative and creative musical activities.                  Alja Krevel, Jerneja Žnidaršič, Katarina Habe ◆ Vloga glasbene improvizacije pri družbenem povezovanju

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