Page 41 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 41
aša Štebe Medgeneracijsko sodelovanje v luči povezovanja
Osnovna šola Škofljica V okviru projekta »Teden vseživljenjskega učenja« smo si zadali za cilj, da v pro-
cesu učenja med seboj povežemo vse generacije od vrtca do starostnikov ter tudi
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne mladostnike in odrasle s posebnimi potrebami. Ko smo se tega lotili prvič, je bil
konference Spodbujanje odziv vseh udeleženih zelo pozitiven, zato to sedaj postaja naša stalnica. Učenci
učinkovitega učenja, tretje triade so prišli k uri matematike in poučevali prvošolce. Sami so pripravili
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 naloge ter izdelali didaktične pripomočke na temo, ki jo je izbrala učiteljica pr-
Abstracts of the Professional vega razreda. Učenci osmega razreda so pomagali pripraviti sceno in kostume za
Conference Developing zaključni nastop drugošolcev. Petošolci so pripravili dan eksperimentov in jih iz-
Effective Learning, vedli skupaj z drugošolci. Ob tem so jim morali razložiti eksperiment in jih vključiti
Koper, 26 August 2020 v delo. Prvošolci so imeli nalogo, da na čim zanimivejši način izvedejo delavnice
za otroke iz vrtca, ki bodo prihodnje leto prišli v prvi razred. Učenci drugega ra-
zreda so obiskali starejše varovance CUDV Draga (Dom Škofljica) ter imeli z njimi
delavnice ustvarjanja z glino in priprave zdravih napitkov pa tudi športne dejav-
nosti. Starostniki iz doma starejših občanov v Škofljici so prišli med učence in jim
pripovedovali zgodbe iz svojega otroštva, skupina otrok pa je zanje pripravila gle-
dališko predstavo v domu. Opazili smo, da je takšen način povezovanja potreben,
saj se otroci bolj pozdravljajo med seboj, stkali so se prijateljski odnosi in več raz-
mišljajo, kako bi lahko polepšali trenutke starostnikom in osebam s posebnimi

Ključne besede: medgeneracijsko sodelovanje, vseživljenjsko učenje, razvijanje

Intergenerational Cooperation in the Light of Integration

As a part of the Lifelong Learning Week project, we set the goal of connect-
ing all generations from kindergarten children to the elderly in the process of
learning, including adolescents and adults with special needs. When we tackled
the project for the first time, the response from those involved was very pos-
itive, so it is now becoming our constant practice. Pupils from the third triad
taught Maths to first-graders. They prepared the assignments themselves and
made didactic materials on the topic chosen by the first-grade teacher. Eighth-
grade pupils helped to prepare the scene and costumes for the final performance
of the second graders. Fifth graders prepared the experiments day and performed
the experiments together with the pupils from the second grade. In doing so, they
had to explain the experiment to the younger pupils and involve them in the
process. The first graders had the task of conducting interesting workshops for
the kindergarten children who will become the first grade pupils next year. The
second-grade pupils visited elderly people in the CUDV Draga Centre (Škofljica
Home for the Elderly) and held workshops for them. Together they created with
clay, made healthy drinks, and did sports. The elderly from the Škofljica Home for
the Elderly visited the pupils and told them stories from their childhood, while a
group of children set up a theatre play for them in the home. We noticed that this
way of connecting is necessary as children greet each other more often, made
new friends, and are more considerate of how to brighten moments for elderly
people and people with special needs.

Key words: intergenerational cooperation, lifelong learning, empathy develop-
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