Page 39 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 39
ca Štembergar Spodbujanje razvoja finomotoričnih spretnosti v 1. razredu
Osnovna šola Prestranek Pri šolskem delu se od učencev pričakuje, da so finomotorične spretnosti, ki zaje-
majo drobne gibe mišic zapestja in prstov, že dobro razvite. Omenjene mišice sku-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne paj z možgani nadzorujejo in usklajujejo gibanje dlani in prstov. Od razvoja fine
konference Spodbujanje motorike je odvisno, kako samostojen je otrok pri vsakodnevnih opravilih pa tudi,
učinkovitega učenja, kako uspešen je na področju risanja, rezanja s škarjami, lepljenja, sestavljanja, bar-
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 vanja . . . Z usvajanjem fine motorike pa je tesno povezan tudi razvoj grafomoto-
Abstracts of the Professional rike, ki zajema spretnost držanja pisala ter pisanja črk, kasneje besed in povedi.
Conference Developing Razvoj fine motorike se začne že zgodaj v predšolski dobi in se stalno nadgra-
Effective Learning, juje. Nekateri otroci potrebujejo za osvojitev finomotoričnih spretnosti več časa.
Koper, 26 August 2020 Zato si pri svojem delu v 1. razredu prizadevam, da učencem ponudim različne
vaje, kot na primer nizanje perlic na lesene palčke, zapenjanje gumbov, šivanje s
plastično iglo, vlečenje vezalke skozi luknje, prijemanje drobnih cofov s pinceto,
prestavljanje plastičnih žogic z žlico ipd., s katerimi spodbujamo razvoj fine mo-
torike. Ta je namreč zelo pomembna pri opismenjevalnem delu v 1. razredu, ko
se učenci lotevajo zapisovanja prvih črk, besed in povedi. Z delom po postajah,
ki so postavljene tako, da učenci prijemajo drobne predmete, drugje je poudarek
na gibanju zapestja, ponekod razvijajo pravilno uporabo pripomočkov, se učenci
srečujejo z vsakodnevnimi opravili, naravnimi in umetnimi materiali ter skrbno
pripravljenimi dejavnostmi. S tem želim popestriti šolski vsakdan. Na ta način pa
tudi prispevam k spodbujanju razvoja fine motorike, saj menim, da se lahko z vajo
mišice zapestja in prstov še razvijajo, učenci pa tako pridobivajo različne izkušnje
in spretnosti.
Ključne besede: fina motorika, razvijanje spretnosti, načini spodbujanja
Promoting the Development of Finomotor Skills in 1st Class
When doing their school work, students are expected to have well-developed fine
motor skills that involve fine movements of the wrist and finger muscles. These
muscles, together with the brain, control and coordinate the movement of palm
and fingers. The development of fine motor skills determines how independent
the children are in fulfilling their everyday tasks, as well as how successful they
are in the field of drawing, cutting with scissors, gluing, composing, painting, etc.
The acquisition of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of writing
skills, which include the skill of holding a pen and writing letters, which is later on
upgraded by writing words and sentences. The development of fine motor skills
begins in the early preschool period and is constantly being upgraded. However,
some children need more time to acquire fine motor skills. Therefore, I strive to of-
fer students in the 1st grade various exercises, such as stringing beads on wooden
sticks, buttoning, sewing with a plastic needle, pulling a lace through holes, grip-
ping small pompoms with tweezers, moving plastic balls with a spoon, etc., to
encourage the development of fine motor skills. These are very important in lit-
eracy work in the 1st grade, when students start writing their first letters, words
and sentences. I try to diversify the everyday school life of my students with work
stations. They are placed so that students grasp small objects, elsewhere the em-
phasis is on the movement of the wrist, in some places they develop the correct
use of aids. Students handle different carefully prepared activities which include
dealing with everyday tasks, as well as with natural and artificial materials. In this
way, I contribute to encouraging the development of fine motor skills, as I strongly
believe that with exercise, the muscles of the wrists and fingers can strengthen
and develop, and the students thereby gain different experiences and skills.
Key words: fine motor skills, skills development, ways of stimulation 37
Osnovna šola Prestranek Pri šolskem delu se od učencev pričakuje, da so finomotorične spretnosti, ki zaje-
majo drobne gibe mišic zapestja in prstov, že dobro razvite. Omenjene mišice sku-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne paj z možgani nadzorujejo in usklajujejo gibanje dlani in prstov. Od razvoja fine
konference Spodbujanje motorike je odvisno, kako samostojen je otrok pri vsakodnevnih opravilih pa tudi,
učinkovitega učenja, kako uspešen je na področju risanja, rezanja s škarjami, lepljenja, sestavljanja, bar-
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 vanja . . . Z usvajanjem fine motorike pa je tesno povezan tudi razvoj grafomoto-
Abstracts of the Professional rike, ki zajema spretnost držanja pisala ter pisanja črk, kasneje besed in povedi.
Conference Developing Razvoj fine motorike se začne že zgodaj v predšolski dobi in se stalno nadgra-
Effective Learning, juje. Nekateri otroci potrebujejo za osvojitev finomotoričnih spretnosti več časa.
Koper, 26 August 2020 Zato si pri svojem delu v 1. razredu prizadevam, da učencem ponudim različne
vaje, kot na primer nizanje perlic na lesene palčke, zapenjanje gumbov, šivanje s
plastično iglo, vlečenje vezalke skozi luknje, prijemanje drobnih cofov s pinceto,
prestavljanje plastičnih žogic z žlico ipd., s katerimi spodbujamo razvoj fine mo-
torike. Ta je namreč zelo pomembna pri opismenjevalnem delu v 1. razredu, ko
se učenci lotevajo zapisovanja prvih črk, besed in povedi. Z delom po postajah,
ki so postavljene tako, da učenci prijemajo drobne predmete, drugje je poudarek
na gibanju zapestja, ponekod razvijajo pravilno uporabo pripomočkov, se učenci
srečujejo z vsakodnevnimi opravili, naravnimi in umetnimi materiali ter skrbno
pripravljenimi dejavnostmi. S tem želim popestriti šolski vsakdan. Na ta način pa
tudi prispevam k spodbujanju razvoja fine motorike, saj menim, da se lahko z vajo
mišice zapestja in prstov še razvijajo, učenci pa tako pridobivajo različne izkušnje
in spretnosti.
Ključne besede: fina motorika, razvijanje spretnosti, načini spodbujanja
Promoting the Development of Finomotor Skills in 1st Class
When doing their school work, students are expected to have well-developed fine
motor skills that involve fine movements of the wrist and finger muscles. These
muscles, together with the brain, control and coordinate the movement of palm
and fingers. The development of fine motor skills determines how independent
the children are in fulfilling their everyday tasks, as well as how successful they
are in the field of drawing, cutting with scissors, gluing, composing, painting, etc.
The acquisition of fine motor skills is closely related to the development of writing
skills, which include the skill of holding a pen and writing letters, which is later on
upgraded by writing words and sentences. The development of fine motor skills
begins in the early preschool period and is constantly being upgraded. However,
some children need more time to acquire fine motor skills. Therefore, I strive to of-
fer students in the 1st grade various exercises, such as stringing beads on wooden
sticks, buttoning, sewing with a plastic needle, pulling a lace through holes, grip-
ping small pompoms with tweezers, moving plastic balls with a spoon, etc., to
encourage the development of fine motor skills. These are very important in lit-
eracy work in the 1st grade, when students start writing their first letters, words
and sentences. I try to diversify the everyday school life of my students with work
stations. They are placed so that students grasp small objects, elsewhere the em-
phasis is on the movement of the wrist, in some places they develop the correct
use of aids. Students handle different carefully prepared activities which include
dealing with everyday tasks, as well as with natural and artificial materials. In this
way, I contribute to encouraging the development of fine motor skills, as I strongly
believe that with exercise, the muscles of the wrists and fingers can strengthen
and develop, and the students thereby gain different experiences and skills.
Key words: fine motor skills, skills development, ways of stimulation 37