Page 48 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 48
Sandwich Management

cision work. This tool provides the management of the company with a
cost-effective, ongoing program for providing healthy food. Its application
systematically evaluates all phases of purchasing, manufacturing, sales and
determining critical points for the adequacy of the food product or service.

Requirements and measures for food hygiene are necessary to ensure
that food is safe and healthy for consumption. Food hygiene should be
closely followed during: production, preparation, handling, processing,
packaging, storage, transportation, distribution and sales. Aspects that
should be considered for accompanying hygiene programs are (Repanšek

– sanitary technical conditions which determine a suitable location
for a catering facility, adequate internal equipment, proximity to
public water and sewerage, ensuring the proper temperature of re-
48 frigerators and freezers;

– water supply – temporary catering facilities need to have a con-
nection to the public system of drinkable water must be available
(if not bottled water);
– pests control and protection; we want to prevent pests from enter-
ing the workspace. We need to take regulated precautions, in the
case of infestation to call an authorised organisation immediately;
– cleaning – we have a cleaning plan that consists of cleaning in-
structions and record sheet;
– management of wastes – we have special space for separating or-
ganic and non-organic waste;
– personal hygiene and health – only healthy personnel who have
been educated and abide by food hygiene and work procedures
can participate in preparation.

Accompanying hygiene programs are inextricably connected with the
HACCP system. They manage general risk factors and allow the HAC-
CP system to focus on more important risk factors. Biological risk factors
include bacteria, viruses or parasites in food. Chemical risk factors can be
cleansers, disinfectants or pesticides. Physical risk factors are foreign ob-
jects in food, for example: a nail, a screw, a toothpick, glass or plexiglass.
Risk analysis is comprised of the identification of risks that need to be con-
trolled to ensure food safety. Defining the CCP is a step in the produc-
tion or the transportation of food with the establishment of preventive or
controlled measures that help to reduce, eliminate or avoid the risk factors
involved with food. The critical control points can be: the raw materials,
components, location, procedures, methods of work or phases in the food
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