Page 51 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 51
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project 51

All services have a provisions supply so that they do not merely retail
food and drink, but ensure that it is well prepared before serving to guests
in hotels and restaurants. Nowadays, the popularity of eating in restau-
rants reflects the phenomenonal growth of the international restaurant
economy. People that are mobile consume food and drink in restaurants
regardless of whether they are part of global restaurant chains or local res-
taurants. This latter statement also applies to managers who use catering
services for efficient ambience to achieve the most important agreements
(Gričar and Bojnec 2009).

A recipe contains all the ingredients used in specific dishes. All dish-
es that are sold must be labelled with the name of present food allergens, as
well as the price per unit (serving). With beverages and drinks this is indi-
cated per liter. Packaging must also state the title of the product. The latter
reference is made only if the name of the dish and the provider are not the
same. The name of a product must demonstrate traceability of equivalent
sales of the product named on the account. Dishes with an expired shelf
life may not be sold under any circumstances, for example: for free distri-
bution or for pets. Dishes that have expired, shall be immediately removed
from the kitchen and placed in organic waste containers (Stražiščar, Bal-
er, and Gričar 2012).

Development of Computing
Technology has encouraged progress in numerous fields within the last
decade, in particular to the field of computing. As a result, computers and
computer programs are being upgraded annually. The internet is one of
the main technical progresses available to us that generates quicker flux-
es of information. There has been an explosion of use in the last decade as
increasing numbers of people have started using the internet. The internet
has changed the manner of our work, of shopping, performances of bank
services and other aspects of our daily life. Nowadays, many people cannot
imagine life without the internet. The internet is being used internation-
ally for both domestic and business purposes. This phenomenon poses the
question ‘what makes something such as the internet so influential, to ex-
pand at this phenomenal rate of growth?’

A computer net is the interconnection of various independent comput-
ers. Through this net of electric wires and connections, computers are now
able to exchange data and information around the world instantly. Auton-
omy means independence, that one’s computer does not need the support
of others for basic activities (Murko 2003). Murko (2003) lists that the in-
ternet has a fine connection amongst thousands of networks, millions of
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