Page 49 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 49
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project

trade and production. Examples of CCP in food preparation are the tem- 49
peratures or times of: heat treatment, cooling, acquisition of finished po-
tentially hazardous foods that will not be heat-treated anymore (Stražiščar,
Baler, and Gričar 2012). CCP can be defined as a predetermined value that
we should not exceed. The latter ensures CCP effective control over the po-
tential risk factors. It is recommended that the parameters are quick and
easy to measure. If the critical limits are exceeded, the CCP is no longer
under control and a potential health risk may manifest. Critical control
values are mostly based on the temperature (Table 1) and time, rarely on
the water and Ph level of food.

Monitoring is a planned sequence of observations or measurements to
assess whether a CCP is under control. It is also the production of an ac-
curate record for future verification. Documented results are part of the
mandatory data proving that food production is conducted safe. For mon-
itoring we use physical measurements, visual measurements and the visu-
al evaluation of colour and smell for monitoring all the check points from
the HACCP plan. For each CCP we need to know the person responsible
for the proper implementation and archiving of what is monitored. Cor-
rection is any procedure that must be performed when monitoring results
that indicate the CCP is not under control. Correctional procedures have
to include instructions on how to establish a normal working situation and
how to document it.

Verification is an activity that verifies the effectiveness of the HACCP
system. Verification helps us to confirm the correct selection of CCP, effec-
tiveness of monitoring and relevance of the corrective processes. We per-
form this with periodic reviews of record procedures and interviews with
employees, the latter is to determine whether the system is operating ac-
cording to the HACCP plan.

Table 1: Temperature goals at storage of cooled and frozen foods.

Food Temperature
Food in refrigerator (sensitive) +8 oC (allowed to +10 oC)
Other food (insensitive) no specific requirements
Frozen food - 18 oC (allowed to – 15 oC)

Source: Own source 2014.

Documentation is organised storage of documents concerning in-
formation related to the internal control of healthy food. The key HAC-
CP document, called the HACCP Plan is a document based on the seven
principles of the HACCP system. This information determines procedures
that need to be taken into account to ensure the appropriate control of
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