Page 50 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 50
dwich Management

risk factors. The previous is essential when ensuring food safety in the pro-
duction process, depending on the type of activity. The director and all
the employees are expected to work in accordance with the HACCP plan.
Employees are responsible for identifying and documenting every problem
concerning food safety and also for implementing its corrections. Knowl-
edge of the HACCP plan should be checked by written examinations. As
part of the daily evaluations, employees should work in accordance with
what is specified as good practice.

Training is led the head of the HACCP group (Table 2) and the outer
member. At the training

facility where employees receive knowledge of HACCP, participants
become acquainted with the basis for the HACCP system and with the
process of work that has to be applied at the plant to ensure wholesome
50 food. A key emphasis is placed on good hygiene practises. Refresher cours-
es for good hygiene practise are carried out once a year. The HACCP plan
describes every step from: the supplying, ordering, collecting, storage, cool-
ing, pre-preparation, and serving and delivery.

Table 2: Inside members of HACCP group.

Name Position Function in HACCP plan
1. Name and surname Manager - head Person responsible
2. Name and surname Member
3. Name and surname Employee Member
4. Name and surname Employee
Source: Own source, 2014. Employee

Catering (catering industry, hotels and restaurants) consists of a diverse
range of activities, namely because it meets the needs of two basic groups
of consumers. The first group of consumer services is catering for tourists
or people outside the place of residence. The second group includes res-
idents or permanent residents who are seeking catering services outside
their households, i.e. engaged in providing services. The service economy
is when a product development model is not a product, but a service. Ca-
tering services are usually implemented in the hospitality industry and are
intended to meet the needs of people around vacation apartments. The de-
velopment of catering is linked to the development of the whole economy,
especially in the world economy, which allows goods, transport and tour-
ism to be traded (Gričar and Bojnec 2009). Services offer food catering ser-
vices in order to meet people’s need for food. It consists of preparing and
serving different kinds of ingredients and dishes (hot, cold, desserts).
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