Page 52 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 52
Sandwich Management

computers and other devices across the globe. Grubelnik (2000) says that,
‘the internet is a world network of computer nets’. The internet is becom-
ing the epicenter for new information, making enormous amounts of data
accessible to users. Different kinds of information are accessible through
these networks, from commercials, to academic, state and personal. The
introduction of the internet has made networking possible through its im-
mediate access to various kinds of information: educational, business, sta-
tistical, legal, professional and financial through:

– the receiving and sending of electronic mail, short text messages,
memos, offers, price benefits, adverts;
– data on our activity, services or products become instantly availa-
ble to users across the globe, business people, institutions, friends
and potential customers;
52 – data bases from anywhere in the world can be accessed at the click

of a button, enabling us the ability to educate ourselves despite
distances. Through this we also save precious money and time;
– the invention of the internet could not have occured without soft-
ware support.

Computer programming is an activity focused on creating new com-
puter programs or their components based on the foundation of certain
rules. Programming and the application of abstract algorithms are only
one phase of many in the development of software. Computer programs
are written with a source code of a certain programming language. A pro-
grammer can give themselves an advantage by using suitable developmen-
tal tools (Shaun 2014).
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