Page 53 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 53
Sandwich Management

Project Planning
An introductory meeting was set up in December 2013 by conceptual lead-
er. He presented the concept of an interdisciplinary project business idea
under the public tender for co-financing project Sandwich Management.
With help from a group of students, co-ordinator, academic mentor, and
mentor from the company Repa who formed a work group named: Sand-
wich Management. The project group was composed of four students. The
latter has withdrawn from participation due to gaining employed in June
2014. One student’s position was taken by another student, who was new
to the project.

The project lasted between March and September 2014. We divided the
tasks according to the different topics. Gained knowledge, experiences and
findings were constantly presented to all the team members. Where neces-
sary, we also corrected and complemented these findings at our monthly
meetings. Our work was supervised and co-ordinated throughout the pro-
ject with help from mentors and other experts, with whom we have co-op-
erated to make sure that all the tasks were executed.

Students gained new knowledge, competences and skills from various
unknown areas. One of the students was working on the economic area,
calculating nutritional values of sandwiches and their ingredients. He was
also crucial in the baking of baguettes. Another student was also participat-
ed in the early stages of the baking. Her work tasks included: sending no-
tifications to all our members concerning tasks to be done until an agreed
date, writing records from meetings, preparing a brochure for the agricul-
tural fair Agra and the preparation of the final edition of the brochure.
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