Page 50 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 50
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 48 tegrira v občutje sebe. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti kako prisotnost čust-
venih kompetenc vpliva na posameznikovo strategijo spopadanja s stresnimi sit-
uacijami. Metode: Izvedli smo kvantitativno raziskavo. Pri izračunu povezanosti
med merami čustvenih kompetenc (merjeno z Vprašalnikom čustvenih kom-
petenc) in strategijami spopadanja s stresnimi situacijami (merjeno z vprašal-
nikom Brief COPE) smo preverili pogoje za izračun korelacijskih koeficientov
in za bivariantno korelacijsko analizo uporabili Spearman‘s rho. V analizo so bili
vključeni podatki 289 udeležencev. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da
se vsaka poddimenzija čustvenih kompetenc v statistično pomembni meri pov-
ezuje z najmanj štirimi strategijami spopadanja s stresnimi situacijami. Korelaci-
jska povezanost med variablami je šibka (r=0.154), na nivoju 1 % tveganja, do
močna (r=0.589), na nivoju 5 % tveganja. Diskusija: Osvajanje čustvenih kompe-
tenc je dejavnik, ki lahko vpliva na izbiro funkcionalnih strategij spoprijemanja s
stresom. Vseživljenjski razvoj vodi k večji čustveni kondiciji, ki delovno aktivni
populaciji na poslovnem področju daje priložnost kreativnega in ustvarjalnega
delovanja ter na osebnem področju občutek polnosti življenja.
Ključne besede: stres, spoprijemanje s stresom, čustvene kompetence,
čustvena kondicija
Starting points: Stress is an important factor in daily life, affecting individual‘s
health. It is organism‘s response to different inner and external factors. The
degree to which an individual is capable of dealing with stressful situations is al-
so related to his ability of emotional processing. Emotional competence shows
the way a person understands emotions in a certain developmental period, the
way he expresses, communicates and integrates them into his self-perception.
The aim of our research project was to ascertain the impact of emotional com-
petence upon individual‘s strategy of dealing with stressful situations .Meth-
ods: We performed a quantitative research. Regarding the calculation of the
mutual dependence of degrees of emotional competence (based on the Emo-
tional competence questionnary) and stress handling strategies (Brief COPE
questionnary) we checked the conditions for the calculation of correlation co-
eficients and applied Spearman‘s rho for the bivariant correlation analysis. The
analysis included data on 289 participants. Results: According to the research
results every subdimension of emotional competence is related to at least four
strategies of stress handling in a statistically significant measure. Correlation
between variables is weak (r=0.154), at the level of 1 % risk, to strong (r=0.589),
at the level of 5 % risk. Discussion: Acquisition of emotional competence is a fac-
tor affecting the choice of functional strategies of stress handling. Lifelong pro-
gress leads to a better emotional condition, which, in turn, sustains active pop-
ulation with the ability of creative performance in the business field, as well as
with the feeling of living a full life in private sphere.
Key words: stress, stress handling, emotional competence, emotional condition
venih kompetenc vpliva na posameznikovo strategijo spopadanja s stresnimi sit-
uacijami. Metode: Izvedli smo kvantitativno raziskavo. Pri izračunu povezanosti
med merami čustvenih kompetenc (merjeno z Vprašalnikom čustvenih kom-
petenc) in strategijami spopadanja s stresnimi situacijami (merjeno z vprašal-
nikom Brief COPE) smo preverili pogoje za izračun korelacijskih koeficientov
in za bivariantno korelacijsko analizo uporabili Spearman‘s rho. V analizo so bili
vključeni podatki 289 udeležencev. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da
se vsaka poddimenzija čustvenih kompetenc v statistično pomembni meri pov-
ezuje z najmanj štirimi strategijami spopadanja s stresnimi situacijami. Korelaci-
jska povezanost med variablami je šibka (r=0.154), na nivoju 1 % tveganja, do
močna (r=0.589), na nivoju 5 % tveganja. Diskusija: Osvajanje čustvenih kompe-
tenc je dejavnik, ki lahko vpliva na izbiro funkcionalnih strategij spoprijemanja s
stresom. Vseživljenjski razvoj vodi k večji čustveni kondiciji, ki delovno aktivni
populaciji na poslovnem področju daje priložnost kreativnega in ustvarjalnega
delovanja ter na osebnem področju občutek polnosti življenja.
Ključne besede: stres, spoprijemanje s stresom, čustvene kompetence,
čustvena kondicija
Starting points: Stress is an important factor in daily life, affecting individual‘s
health. It is organism‘s response to different inner and external factors. The
degree to which an individual is capable of dealing with stressful situations is al-
so related to his ability of emotional processing. Emotional competence shows
the way a person understands emotions in a certain developmental period, the
way he expresses, communicates and integrates them into his self-perception.
The aim of our research project was to ascertain the impact of emotional com-
petence upon individual‘s strategy of dealing with stressful situations .Meth-
ods: We performed a quantitative research. Regarding the calculation of the
mutual dependence of degrees of emotional competence (based on the Emo-
tional competence questionnary) and stress handling strategies (Brief COPE
questionnary) we checked the conditions for the calculation of correlation co-
eficients and applied Spearman‘s rho for the bivariant correlation analysis. The
analysis included data on 289 participants. Results: According to the research
results every subdimension of emotional competence is related to at least four
strategies of stress handling in a statistically significant measure. Correlation
between variables is weak (r=0.154), at the level of 1 % risk, to strong (r=0.589),
at the level of 5 % risk. Discussion: Acquisition of emotional competence is a fac-
tor affecting the choice of functional strategies of stress handling. Lifelong pro-
gress leads to a better emotional condition, which, in turn, sustains active pop-
ulation with the ability of creative performance in the business field, as well as
with the feeling of living a full life in private sphere.
Key words: stress, stress handling, emotional competence, emotional condition