Page 48 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 48
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 46 Ključne besede: motivacija za delo, klinično okolje zdravstvene nege, teorija
Introduction: Job satisfaction of the working-age population is crucial for their
mental health and is determined by the employee motivation. Health care
workers, especially nurses, work in difficult conditions where motivation is cru-
cial for avoiding health problems, turnovers, and other severe problems. The
objective of this study was to identify which motivation elements significant-
ly affect the overall job satisfaction. Methods: This pilot study was performed
between December, 2016 and February, 2017, the particpants were employed
part-time nursing students of the University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Stud-
ies, University of applied sciences Karlovac and University of Osijek, Faculty of
Medicine. The translated Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale was used.
Results: 24 (19.8 %) were males, 102 (81.0 %) females. Their average age was
31.9 (SD=6,8) years. Participants evaluated their job satisfaction by using an or-
dinal scale ranging from totally unsatisfied (1) to totally satisfied (10). Results of
a final linear regression model indicate that, 8.8 % of job satisfaction variance
is explained by the following motivation elements (p=0.006): Extrinsic regu-
lation–social, Extrinsic regulation–material, Identified regulation, and Intrinsic
motivation, which resulted as the construct with the strongest impact on job
satisfaction. Discussion: Our results indicate, that both nurses and their manag-
ers should perform actions, which will improve the nurses’ motivation by con-
sidering the aforementioned motivation elements. Furthermore, due to rela-
tively low explained variance, further predictors should be identified.
Key words: Work motivation, Nursing practice environment, Self-
determination theory

Iz finančnih razlogov ali zaradi aktivnega staranja? Telesno
in duševno zdravje starejših prekarnih delavcev in raziskava
For financial or active ageing reasons? Mental and physical health
of the older precarious workers in SHARE survey
Andrej Srakar, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel
Institute for Economic Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Faculty of Economics,
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Izhodišča: Namen prispevka je predstaviti analizo starejših prekarnih delavcev
in njihovega zdravstvenega stanja z uporabo podatkov petega vala raziskave
SHARE, pri čemer odgovarjamo na vprašanje: “Ali so starejši prekarni delav-
ci resnično depriviligirani v smislu slabšega duševnega in telesnega zdravja v
primerjavi s starejšimi zaposlenimi in splošno starejšo populacijo?” Metode: V
prispevku uporabljamo deskriptivne statistike in bivariatne teste za osnovni
vpogled v vprašanje ter ekonometrične modele končnega mešanja za ustrez-
no modeliranje heterogenosti v vzorcu. Rezultati: V nasprotju s pričakovanji,
zdravje starejših samozaposlenih ni slabše od starejših zaposlenih. Razlike v
zdravju med obema skupinama se pojavijo šele, ko v primerjavo vključimo t.i.
“prave” prekarne delavce, t.j. tiste, ki niso niti zaposleni niti samozaposleni,
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