Page 257 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 257
»bili smo brez orožja, le lopato in kr amp«: posebni bataljoni na sardiniji

Vilhar, S., in A. Klun. 1973a. Po poteh Sardincev. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga;
Koper: ČZP Primorski tisk.

»We were without weapons, only a shovel and a pick.«
Special battalions in Sardinia before the Italian surrender of 1943.

The paper discusses the so-called "special battalions" of the Italian army,
which were stationed on the island of Sardinia. The period before the sur-
render of Italy will be taken into consideration. The methodological ap-
proach is going to be based on oral history interviews (a testimony collec-
tion) and the analysis of the so-called ego documents (memoirs, diaries,
letters) written after the war and kept in the Provincial Archive of Koper. In
this context, I am particularly interested in the experience of former mem-
bers of the battalions, their recruitment and the problems they faced in
Sardinia (hunger, poor hygiene conditions, illnesses, and punishments), as
well as their contacts with the locals and the loved ones at home. The mem-
ory of the former members of the battalions was at the forefront of my in-
terest and the way they remember their experiences is the main topic of the
paper. After the war, some of the members of the former battalions also
wrote their memories in the form of reports or letters, which are also stud-
ied. In addition to the mentioned sources, relevant scientific literature will
be analysed.

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