Page 165 - Uran Maravić, Maja, in Gordana Ivankovič. 2017. Zagotavljanje kakovosti v gostinstvu. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 165
viri in literatura
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Wang, Y., in B. Bramwell. 2011. »Heritage Protection and Tourism Development Pri-
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Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm. 3rd European ed. Berkshire: McGraw
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WTTC – World Travel & Tourism Council. 2016a. Economic Impact 2016 Annual Up-
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vice Marketing.« Journal of Marketing 49: 33–45.
Zeithaml, V. A., A. Parasuraman in L. L. Berry. 1988. »Communication and Control
Processes in the Delivery of Service Quality.« Journal of Marketing 52: 35–48.
Zeithaml, V. A., A. Parasuraman in L. L. Berry. 1990. Delivering Quality Service. New
York: The Free Press.
Uran, M. 2004. Zagotavljanje kakovosti storitev v hotelskih podjetjih. Koper: Društvo za
akademske in aplikativne raziskave.
Uran, M. 2008. Priročnik za razvoj funkcionalne kakovosti storitev v turizmu: s
poudarkom na hotelskih podjetjih. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, Direk-
torat za turizem.
Uran, M., in D. Conti. 2006. Program za vzpostavitev celovitega sistema razvoja kakov-
osti storitev v turističnih podjetjih. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, Direk-
torat za turizem.
USALI. 2014. Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry. 11th ed. New York:
Hotel Association of New York, Financial Management Comittee of American
Hotel & Lodging Association, Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals.
Veal, A. J. 2011. Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism: A Practical Guide. Harlow:
Pearson Education Limited.
Verbinc, F. 1982. Slovar tujk. 7.izd. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
Vujoševič, N. 1996. Vodilo za standarde kakovosti ISO 9000. Ljubljana: Gospodarski
Wang, Y., in B. Bramwell. 2011. »Heritage Protection and Tourism Development Pri-
orities in Hangzhou, China: A Political Economy and Governance Perspective.«
Tourism Management 33 (4): 988–98.
Watson, G. (1993). »Strategic Benchmarking: How to Rate Your Company’s Perfor-
mance against the World’s Best.« New York: Wiley.
WEF – World Economic Forum. 2015. »Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report.«
Wilson, A., V. A. Zeithaml, M. J. Bitner in D. D. Gremler. 2016. Services Marketing:
Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm. 3rd European ed. Berkshire: McGraw
Hill Education.
Woods, R. H., in J. Z. King. 1996. Quality Leadership and Management in the Hospital-
ity Industry. East Lansing: The Educational Institute of American Hotel and Mo-
tel Association.
WTTC – World Travel & Tourism Council. 2016a. Economic Impact 2016 Annual Up-
date Summary. London: World Travel & Tourism Council.
WTTC – World Travel & Tourism Council. 2016b. Travel & Tourism. Economic Im-
pact 2016 Slovenia. London: WTCC.
Zairi, M. 1996. Benchmarking for Best Practice: Continuous Learning trough Sustaina-
ble Innovation. Oxford: Butterworth-Heineman.
Zeithaml, V. A., A. Parasuraman in L. L. Berry. 1985. »Problems and Strategies in Ser-
vice Marketing.« Journal of Marketing 49: 33–45.
Zeithaml, V. A., A. Parasuraman in L. L. Berry. 1988. »Communication and Control
Processes in the Delivery of Service Quality.« Journal of Marketing 52: 35–48.
Zeithaml, V. A., A. Parasuraman in L. L. Berry. 1990. Delivering Quality Service. New
York: The Free Press.