Page 164 - Uran Maravić, Maja, in Gordana Ivankovič. 2017. Zagotavljanje kakovosti v gostinstvu. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
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zagotavljanje k akovosti v gostinst v u
Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1991. »Refinement and Reassessment
of SERVQUAL Scale.« Journal of Retailing 67 (4): 126–46.
Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1993. »More on Improving Service
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Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1994. »Reassessment of Expectations
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Proenca, S., in E. Soukiazis. 2008. »Tourism as an Economic Growth Factor: A Case
Study for Southern European Countries.« Tourism Economics 14 (4): 791–806.
Reeves, C. A., in D. B. Bednar. 1995. »Quality as Symphony.« The Cornell Quaterly 36
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Schmidgall, R. 1997. Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. 4th ed. Michigan: Ed-
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Schmidagall, R., in F. Kwansa. 1999. »The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodg-
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Resturant Administration Quarterly 2 (15): 88–94.
Sinclair, M. T. 1998. »Tourism and Economic Development: A Survey.« The Journal of
Development Studies 34 (5): 1–51.
Sparks, B. A., K. Kam Fung So in G. L. Bradley. 2016. »Responding to Negative On-
Line Reviews: The Effects of Hotel Responses on Guest Inferences of Trust and
Concern.« Tourism Management 53: 74–85.
SRS 2016. 2015. »Slovenski računovodski standardi (2016).« Uradni list Republike
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Torres, E. N., H. Adler in C. Behnke. 2014. »Stars, Diamonds, and Other Shiny
Things: The Use of Expert and Consumer Feedback in the Hotel Industry.« Jour-
nal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 21: 34–43.
Tranter, K., T. Stuart-Hill in J. Parker. 2008. Introduction to Revenue Management
for the Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World. London:
Prentice Hall.
Tuchman, B. W. »The Decline of Quality.« New York Times Magazine, November 2,
38–41, 104.
Uran, M. 2003. Management kakovosti storitev v hotelirstvu. Koper: Društvo za akadem-
ske in aplikativne raziskave.
Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1991. »Refinement and Reassessment
of SERVQUAL Scale.« Journal of Retailing 67 (4): 126–46.
Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1993. »More on Improving Service
Quality Measurement.« Journal of Retailing 69 (1): 173–89.
Parasuraman, A., L. L. Berry in V. A. Zeithaml. 1994. »Reassessment of Expectations
as Comparison Standard in Measuring Service Quality.« Journal of Marketing 58
(1): 111–24.
Pivka, M., in D. Uršič. 1999. ISO 9000 in konkurenčnost podjetij: slovenske izkušnje.
Maribor: Management forum.
PKF-HR. 2017. »PKF Hospitality Research.« Http://
Proenca, S., in E. Soukiazis. 2008. »Tourism as an Economic Growth Factor: A Case
Study for Southern European Countries.« Tourism Economics 14 (4): 791–806.
Reeves, C. A., in D. B. Bednar. 1995. »Quality as Symphony.« The Cornell Quaterly 36
(3): 72–9.
Schmidgall, R. 1997. Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting. 4th ed. Michigan: Ed-
ucation Institue of American Hotel and Motel Association.
Schmidagall, R., in F. Kwansa. 1999. »The Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodg-
ing Industry: Its Importance and Use by Hotel Managers.« Cornell Hotel and
Resturant Administration Quarterly 2 (15): 88–94.
Sinclair, M. T. 1998. »Tourism and Economic Development: A Survey.« The Journal of
Development Studies 34 (5): 1–51.
Sparks, B. A., K. Kam Fung So in G. L. Bradley. 2016. »Responding to Negative On-
Line Reviews: The Effects of Hotel Responses on Guest Inferences of Trust and
Concern.« Tourism Management 53: 74–85.
SRS 2016. 2015. »Slovenski računovodski standardi (2016).« Uradni list Republike
Slovenije št. 95/2015.
STR – Smith Travel Research. 2017. Http://
SURS – Statistični urad Republike Slovenije. 2015. »Ekonomski izračuni za turizem,
Slovenija, 2012, ocena 2014.« Http://
SURS – Statistični urad Republike Slovenije. 2016. Podatkovni portal SI-STAT.
Škerlak-Rogač, A. 2016. »Analiza poslovanja Sava Turizem d. d.« Diplomska naloga,
Univerza na Primorskem.
Torres, E. N., H. Adler in C. Behnke. 2014. »Stars, Diamonds, and Other Shiny
Things: The Use of Expert and Consumer Feedback in the Hotel Industry.« Jour-
nal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 21: 34–43.
Tranter, K., T. Stuart-Hill in J. Parker. 2008. Introduction to Revenue Management
for the Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World. London:
Prentice Hall.
Tuchman, B. W. »The Decline of Quality.« New York Times Magazine, November 2,
38–41, 104.
Uran, M. 2003. Management kakovosti storitev v hotelirstvu. Koper: Društvo za akadem-
ske in aplikativne raziskave.