Page 162 - Uran Maravić, Maja, in Gordana Ivankovič. 2017. Zagotavljanje kakovosti v gostinstvu. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
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zagotavljanje k akovosti v gostinst v u
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Howarth HTL – Howarth Hotel, Tourism and Leisure. 2017. Http://www.howarth-
Cronin, J. J., in S. A. Taylor. 1992. »Measuring Service Quality: Reexamination and
Extension.« Journal of Marketing 56 (3): 55–68.
Crosby, P. B. 1980. Quality is Free.New York: McGraw Hill.
Cross, M. 1998. The Benchmarking Sourcebook. London: Batsford Ltd.
CrossBench. 2015. »Benchmarking hrvaškega in slovenskega hotelirstva.« Http://
Cvikl, H. 2000. »Sestavine kakovosti hotelskih storitev.« MM Akademija 4 (7): 37–
Dale, B. G. 1999. Managing quality. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Deming, W. E. 1982. Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position. Cambridge, MA:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Centre of Advanced Engineering Study.
Dimovski, V., M. Škerlavaj in S. Penger. 2008. Poslovne raziskave. Harlow: Pearson Ed-
ucation Limited.
Dolnicar, S., in A. Ring. 2014. »Tourism Marketing Research: Past, Present and Fu-
ture.« Annals of Tourism Research 47: 31–47.
Dube, L., in L. M. Renaghan. 2000. »Creating Visible Customer Value.« The Cornell
Quaterly 41 (1): 62–72.
E & Y. 2017. »Ernst and Young.« Http://
Efentaki, K., in V. Dimitropoulos. 2014. »Economic Perspectives of Intangible Cultur-
al activities.« Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences 175: 415–22.
Ekinci, Y. 1999. »An Eexamination of Generic Service Quality Criteria for Evaluation
of Hotels.« Doktorska disertacija, University of Surrey.
Feigenbaum, A. V. 1991. Total Quality Control. New York: McGraw Hill.
Flere, S. 2000. Sociološka metodologija. Maribor: Pedagoška fakulteta.
Garvin, D. A. 1988. Managing Quality, the Strategic and Competative Edge. New York:
The Free Press.
Grönroos, C. 1984. »A Service Quality Model and Its Implications.« European Jour-
nal of Marketing 18 (4): 36–44.
Grönroos, C. 1990. Service Management and Marketing: Managing the Moments of
Truth in Service Competition. Lexington: Free press/Lexington Books.
Grönroos, C. 2010. Service Management And Marketing. 3rd ed. West Sussex: John
Wiley & Sons.
Gummesson, E. 1998. »Productivity, Quality and Relationship Marketing in Service
Operations.« International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 10
(1): 4–15.
Gummesson, E. 1999. Total Relationship Marketing. Oxford: Butterworth-Heine-
Gundersen, M. G., M. Heide in U. H. Olsson. 1996. »Hotel Guest Satisfaction among
Business Travellers. What Are the Important Factors?« The Cornell hotel and
Restaurant Quaterly 37 (2): 72–81.
Hayes, D., in A. Miller. 2010. Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry. New
Yersey: John Wiley and Sons.
Howarth HTL – Howarth Hotel, Tourism and Leisure. 2017. Http://www.howarth-