Page 123 - Biloslavo, Roberto, Rusjan, Roland. 2018. Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 123
Summary 123

This approach is in considerable discrepancy with what was not so long
ago considered to be the dominant managerial paradigm and was based
on the concept “or/or”. Assuming that organizations cannot simultane-
ously follow, for example, the strategy of low prices and differentiation
without getting stuck in the middle, the choice of one of the two poles se-
emed the only appropriate solution. Such decision would allow creation
of internal fit between the chosen strategy, resources and processes ensu-
ring organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. However, contemporary
research suggests that managers operating under the concept of „or/or“
do not allow the organization to quickly adapt to disruptive changes in
the business environment and thus to maintain or build a new competi-
tive advantage. Once an organization completely fits into a specific mar-
ket niche, it would not easily be able to adapt to sudden radical changes
in the environment.

Management is characterized by the fact that it often adheres to
known and already proven forms of work and management, especially if
they have provided efficient and effective business in the past. The latter
leads to the achievement of a static balance, which can be harmful in the
long-term, even if successful in the short term. The subordination of an
organization to one pole can lead to efficiency and effectiveness only un-
til the business environment changes significantly. However, the fact is
that today‘s business environment is mostly dynamic and changes are of-
ten the only constant. At the same time, it should also be taken into acco-
unt that, according to the autopoetic principle, the planned support of
one of the poles of duality directly strengthens the need for the presence
of the second pole of the duality, which can in the case of inadequate ma-
nagement lead to a destructive situation. It follows that it makes sense to
recognize dualities and to find new creative development opportunities
in the tensions that they are causing.

The monograph is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an
introduction to the work. Introduction begins with a brief description
of business characteristics that have conflicting characteristics, followed
by a presentation of the structure of the work. Different authors name
conflicting organizational characteristics differently, e.g. dualities, para-
doxes, tensions. We decided to use the notion of dualities as the most
appropriate, considering all other definition and their nuances.

In the second chapter different definitions of the conflicting cha-
racteristics are presented. The chapter is entitled Duality and Manage-
ment and it describes what we understand as the term of duality, how
different authors describe duality, why is management interested into
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