Page 124 - Biloslavo, Roberto, Rusjan, Roland. 2018. Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 124
Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa

dualities, etc. This chapter also covers the role of different dualities as
important factors for the development of an organization. This role is
presented primarily in terms of how the management should manage
duality and whether they are at all manageable. Management is suppo-
sed to accept duality in order to maintain a long-term dynamic balan-
ce within organization, which can from time to time even lead to a
short-term deterioration of the efficiency of the business processes. The
basic characteristic of successful management of duality is that ma-
nagement is able to actively lead and direct the tension of organizatio-
nal duality in order to achieve long-term effectiveness and efficiency.
The central theme of this work is the presentation of three related rese-
arches in the field of organizational duality. Thus, the third chapter pre-
sents the study entitled Identification of duality in the field of manage-
124 ment. In the fourth chapter, we present a study entitled Integration of
duality into the organization‘s policy, and Chapter 5 includes a study en-
titled The Presence and Importance of duality in an organization. The
last chapter gives an emphasis on the importance of various dualities for
the operation of modern organization. In this section, we want to enco-
urage managers to think about dualities when they are faced them wit-
hin their organization. These business characteristics should not be av-
oided in terms of doing business solely by the principle “or/or”, which
means taking into account only one half of the organizational characte-
ristics. In the case of doing business, according to the principle “or/or”
the organization will not be able to change in line with changes in the bu-
siness environment, which consequently means worse performance and
less effectiveness. On the basis of the empirical research carried out, a cri-
tically important role of management of dualities within modern organi-
zations is identified for both their efficiency and effectiveness.
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