Page 122 - Biloslavo, Roberto, Rusjan, Roland. 2018. Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 122
Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa

organization is operating is changing in such a way as to put the prin-
ciples that were previously considered inviolable into question. This, of
course, does not mean that in order to resolve the situation it is suffici-
ent to abandon the principles that have enabled organizations to achieve
effectiveness and efficiency in the past, but that these principles need to
be properly adapted and supplemented. In other words, in order to esta-
blish and maintain a competitive advantage in the disruptive and chal-
lenging business environment, the existing theoretical principles must
be adapted or supplemented with new principles. The latter also applies
to the concept of duality and its management. The organization‘s duali-
ty has been recognized by the organization‘s researchers many years ago,
but they were then convinced that their management depends on the le-
aders, who decide to enforce one of the poles and then consistently ma-
122 intain the commitment to their decision. Nevertheless, the organization
cannot exist in the long run if it does not change, if it does not seek out
and develop new basic capabilities, products, processes and business mo-
dels. On the other hand, this development is not possible without shor-
t-term efficiency and adequate cash flow. Another example that points
to the need to go beyond the concept of „or/or“ is the ability of the or-
ganization to survive in unfavorable circumstances. We can talk about
the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization when it can go throu-
gh various economic changes in the business environment, while mainta-
ining its competitive advantage or at least not suffering the consequences
that could dramatically affect its performance. This organization‘s viabi-
lity is demonstrated as resilience, whereby resilience represents the abili-
ty of the system (organization) to continue its work and develop further
when it is subject to stressful conditions or adverse circumstances. The-
se organizations are not only flexible and robust, they are not only able to
survive shocks and accidental events but can also benefit from them. Such
organizations, which do not crash if something unpredictable happens,
need sufficient internal flexibility in order to quickly adapt themselves
to circumstances that cannot be foreseen in advance. Such an organiza-
tion‘s ability is difficult to be developed by organizations that follow the
concept “or/or”, since they optimally develop one of the poles of duality,
while disruptive changes require the ability to quickly cross between the
contradictory but interdependent poles. All this can only be done by the
management that follows the concept “and/and”.

However, duality is characterized not only by the coexistence of
opposites in some kind of static equilibrium, but also by the dynamic in-
teraction of the two poles, which we „do not solve,“ but only manage.
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