Page 121 - Biloslavo, Roberto, Rusjan, Roland. 2018. Strateške dualnosti v teoriji in praksi managementa. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 121

The monograph aims to address and identify the contradictory characte-
ristics of the organization and integrate them into the 3-tier framework
policy model of the organization. These characteristics are characterized
by their conflicting and complementary nature. For such characteristics,
the term duality has been established in the literature. Dualities are en-
countered in a wide range of organizations and at various organizational,
strategic and time dimensions. Dualities are characterized by the opposi-
te poles (i.e., the right and left pole), which represent the main source for
the formation of internal tension (i.e., organizational tensions), while at
the same time they represent the whole of the organizational characte-
ristics concerned. Organizational tensions are indispensable for the long-
-term survival and development of the organization even if management
prefers to avoid them. Dualities prevent management excessive simplifi-
cation of day-to-day business activities, which would lead to an unpro-
ductive and non-developmental static balance. Organizational changes
are triggered by the tensions between the two poles, which are necessary
on the one hand to achieve short-term competitiveness, and on the other
hand, for the long-term survival of the organization.

The main task of managers is to control the organization in terms
of its long-term development, which in fact means financially sustaina-
ble survival in the long run. Given the growing complexity of the busi-
ness environment, management is today in a position where it is not able
to unilaterally manage numerous interactions with different groups of
stakeholders having their own interest in organization’s activities in one
way or another anymore. This means that the way in which a modern
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