Page 25 - Management
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Tina Korošec Odziv izbranih slovenskih
Univerze na Primorskem, podjetnic na stres v času krize,
Fakultete za management povezane s covidom-19
Ana Arzenšek
Univerza na Primorskem,
Fakulteta za management V članku predstavljamo raziskavo, izvedeno v okviru magistrske nalo- ge, v kateri smo raziskali odzive izbranih slovenskih podjetnic na stres
v času krize zaradi pandemije covida-19. V raziskavi smo se osredotočili
na miselnost o stresu in ugotavljali, kako so se podjetnice spoprijele s
stresom v tem obdobju ter kakšne posledice je imela izkušnja stresa v
času krize za njihovo osebno in poslovno življenje. S subjektivnim vzor-
čenjem smo v raziskavo vključili 12 podjetnic, ki kot samostojne podjet-
nice ali podjetnice mikropodjetij upravljajo svoje podjetje pet let ali več
ter so članice ene izmed skupnosti podjetnic. Izbrali smo kvalitativno
metodologijo in izvedli polstrukturirane individualne intervjuje. Rezul-
tati raziskave kažejo, da so se podjetnice v času pandemije covida-19 s
stresom spoprijele predvsem s čuječnostjo in preživljanjem časa v naravi
ter spremembo načina dela in preoblikovanjem poslovanja. Stres v času
krize je deloval kot katalizator sprememb, ki so privedle do osebne rasti,
izboljšanja poslovnih praks in krepitve socialnih odnosov, k čemur pa sta
v veliki meri prispevali tudi podjetniška razvojna miselnost podjetnic in
njihova osebna odgovornost.
Ključne besede: stres, podjetnice, covid-19, krizno upravljanje, miselnost,
strategije spoprijemanja, osebna rast
Response of Selected Slovenian Businesswomen
to Stress during the COVID-19 Crisis
In the article, we present the research carried out as part of a master's
thesis, in which we investigated the responses of selected Slovenian fe-
male entrepreneurs to stress during the COviD-19 pandemic crisis. We
have focused on the stress mindset and examined how the female entre-
preneurs coped with stress during this period of time, as well as the con-
sequences that the experience of stress during the crisis had on their per-
sonal and business lives. Using subjective sampling, we included twelve
female entrepreneurs who have been managing their own business as
self-employed or micro-enterprise entrepreneurs for five years or more
and are members of one of the female entrepreneurs' communities. We
chose a qualitative methodology and conducted semi-structured indi-
vidual interviews. The research findings show that female entrepreneurs
coped with stress mainly through mindfulness and spending time in na-
ture, as well as by changing their work methods and restructuring their
businesses. Stress during the crisis acted as a catalyst for changes that led
to personal growth, improved business practices and strengthened social
relationships, significantly aided by the entrepreneurial growth mindset
of the female entrepreneurs and their personal responsibilities.
Keywords: stress, female entrepreneurs, COviD-19, crisis management,
mindset, coping strategies, personal growth
management 19 (2024) številka 2 71