Page 26 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 26
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 1 26čijo v turistično ponudbo, ampak postanejo ena ključ-benefits, can be intensively involved in tourism offer and
nih turističnih privlačnosti območja. can become one of key tourist attractions of the area.
Summary Literatura

Study of the potential and development of museum Blažević, Ivan. Povijest turizma Istre i Kvarnera.
tourism on the coast of Istria assumes that strong tour- Opatija: Otokar Keršovani, 1987.
ist attractiveness of the entire area is determined by its
natural resources and its extraordinary cultural wealth. Brezovec, Aleksandra, Sedmak, Gorazd, Po-
Many Istrian destinations are following global trends dovšovnik-Axelsson, Eva, Blažina, Igor in
of tourist activities in a sustainable way already for dec- Dvorščak, Ksenija (ur.), Common marke-
ades, even centuries. The dominant role of cultural tour- ting strategy: Adriatic IPA Project: the Adri-
ism, characteristic for modern global tourism trends, is atic‘s museums enrich cultural tourism „Mu-
present also in the countries of the studied area, Slove- seumcultour“. Portorož: University of Pri-
nia and Croatia. The research on museum tourism that morska - Faculty of Tourism Studies TU-
included the analysis of the situation and trends, the RISTICA, 2014.
study of environment, identification of opportunities,
and analysis of satisfaction and of expectations in mu- Crouch, David in Nina Lubbren. Visual cultu-
seum tourism, enabled an in-depth understanding of re and tourism. New York, Oxford: BergPu-
situation and potentials of further development of this blishers, 2003.
segment of the cultural tourism. The research was an
outcome of a HISTUR project, developed within Eu- Dickinson, J. Barry. „Symbiotic marketing:
ropean territorial cooperation of Slovenia and Croatia A network perspective.“ Journal of Ma-
programme. After the analytical part, the study focused nagement and Marketing Research 11,
on delivering basic strategic guidelines for marketing no. 1 (2012),
museums and for their inclusion in the museum tour- nuscripts/121241.pdf (4. 3. 2013).
ism. This paper presents strategic marketing guidelines
for museums in the coastal region of Istria. It discusses Gajski, Ana, Vlasta Klarić, Želimir Laszlo, Re-
theoretical framework, explains the methodology for nata Nevidal in Snježana Pintarić. Djelova-
marketing model development and for its application. nje muzeja kao dionika kulturnog turizma.
The coastal area is oriented toward environmental con- Priručnik. Zagreb: Muzej suvremene umje-
servation and preservation of authenticity, therefore the tnosti, 2011,
marketing model was conceived on a sustainable basis. csImages/muzeji-t-1.pdf (12. 3. 2014).
The model combines the primary mission of the muse-
um with the integral marketing developmental model Gilmore, Andrey in Ruth Rentschler. »Chan-
that includes external and internal dimensions. It is sug- ges in museum management: A custodial
gested that the area should develop an umbrella brand or marketing emphasis?« Journal of Mana-
in order to achieve greater coherence and synergy ef- gement Development 21, no. 10 (2002), 745–
fects of marketing activities. The brand should commu- 760.
nicate sustainability, promote authenticity, satisfaction
with museum experience, innovative museum design Jančič, Zlatko. Celostni marketing. Ljubljana:
and constant interaction with the environment. Guide- Fakulteta za družbene vede, 1996.
lines go marketing mix development derive from strate-
gic guidelines and are adapted to actual needs of coastal Kline, Miro. »Celostni model skrbništva, mar-
museums. By following strategic guidelines, the coast- ketinga in znamčenja muzejev.« V Marke-
al museums can take advantage of identified potential ting muzejev: Teorija in praksa v slovenskih
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tural Tourists with Collections and Lis-
tings Content Online«. http://www.kee-
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