Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 74Cultural Heritage And Cultural AttractionsAs this profile of tourists on holiday with
From Ancient Period diving is most practiced by sports activities,
hereditatiThe ancient sites and tomb of St. Deadline in Prthe offer of active tourism in the destination
vic Luka. Ancient locality Pišća in Vodice. The is considered to be somewhat satisfactory
remains of the late antique basilica in Srima. and within which specially attractive sport-
ing events taking place outside of the season
Natural Heritage such as the Gabriella Marathon or Regatta,
In the immediate vicinity of the destination are which provide the possibility of developing
2 National Parks: Krka and Kornati, and Vran tourism products in pre-season and post sea-
sko Lake Nature Park. son.
Sport and Manifestations Destination Prvić-Vodice has no significant
9 cycling trails in the town of Vodice; kayak cultural heritage from the antiquity period
ing on the sea; windsurfing and smaller classical as well as cultural attractions on this subject.
sailings - gajetama; Nordic walking and hiking
through the olive groves and dry terraces in the Accomodation Capacities
hinterland of the City of Vodice. According to last available datas from 2014 on
the island of Prvic, there is an entity from the
Regatta Jabuka (Novembar - the most pop branch of Hotel Maestral *** (Prvić Luka) and
ular offshore regatta in Croatia runs sailors for a Hostel Peski (Prvić Luka).
110-mile course of Vodice - Jabuka - Vodice. Re
gatta is known for the night start and the Mys There are 13 subjects from the branch of the
tic Jabuci); Easter Regatta (April); regatta Burtiž hotel (5 ****, 6 ***, 2 **), 10 campers (1 ***, other
(August - regatta of traditional ships moving *), 2 hostels and one holiday resort in the area of
from Šepurina to the island of Prvić) Vodice.
Big game fishing In the city of Vodice in June 2014, a total
Gabri Marathon - In October, a recreational of 1,567 subjects were registered, who rent rooms
mountain-bike marathon is traditionally held and apartments in households with a total ca
in memory of cyclists Gabriele Skočić and his pacity of 11,908 beds. The Prvić Island is repre
friends, firefighters who died bravely and trag sented by 68 households (Prvić Luka 30 house
ically on the island of Kornat in 2007. Bicycle holds and 468 beds and Šepurina 38 households
trails in the hinterland of Vodice run shorter (27 and 201 beds) - a total of 605 beds.
km) and longer (54 km) marathon. This mara
thon gathers 150 competitors every year from all In the structure of the accommodation ca-
over Croatia and abroad. pacities of the destination are dominated by
private households and hotels of medium
The destination has a favorable geopolitical category which can position the destination
position in relation to some of the most fa- as attractive or passionate divers, mainly ac-
mous Croatian cultural and natural attrac- commodation is not so important to recrea-
tions such as UNESCO National Parks or tional divers and those traveling with fami-
Cultural Heritage which contributes to its lies and lower incomes.
tourist attractiveness and can affect the ar-
rival of a segment of recreational divers and Accessibility Of Destination
those traveling with families and except Traffic connection
for diving an interesting and interesting
non-diving program. The destination is located in close proximity to
two airports: Split / Resnik (50km), Zadar / Ze
munik (70km). There are regular transfers by
taxi and bus from both ports to Sibenik. Both
From Ancient Period diving is most practiced by sports activities,
hereditatiThe ancient sites and tomb of St. Deadline in Prthe offer of active tourism in the destination
vic Luka. Ancient locality Pišća in Vodice. The is considered to be somewhat satisfactory
remains of the late antique basilica in Srima. and within which specially attractive sport-
ing events taking place outside of the season
Natural Heritage such as the Gabriella Marathon or Regatta,
In the immediate vicinity of the destination are which provide the possibility of developing
2 National Parks: Krka and Kornati, and Vran tourism products in pre-season and post sea-
sko Lake Nature Park. son.
Sport and Manifestations Destination Prvić-Vodice has no significant
9 cycling trails in the town of Vodice; kayak cultural heritage from the antiquity period
ing on the sea; windsurfing and smaller classical as well as cultural attractions on this subject.
sailings - gajetama; Nordic walking and hiking
through the olive groves and dry terraces in the Accomodation Capacities
hinterland of the City of Vodice. According to last available datas from 2014 on
the island of Prvic, there is an entity from the
Regatta Jabuka (Novembar - the most pop branch of Hotel Maestral *** (Prvić Luka) and
ular offshore regatta in Croatia runs sailors for a Hostel Peski (Prvić Luka).
110-mile course of Vodice - Jabuka - Vodice. Re
gatta is known for the night start and the Mys There are 13 subjects from the branch of the
tic Jabuci); Easter Regatta (April); regatta Burtiž hotel (5 ****, 6 ***, 2 **), 10 campers (1 ***, other
(August - regatta of traditional ships moving *), 2 hostels and one holiday resort in the area of
from Šepurina to the island of Prvić) Vodice.
Big game fishing In the city of Vodice in June 2014, a total
Gabri Marathon - In October, a recreational of 1,567 subjects were registered, who rent rooms
mountain-bike marathon is traditionally held and apartments in households with a total ca
in memory of cyclists Gabriele Skočić and his pacity of 11,908 beds. The Prvić Island is repre
friends, firefighters who died bravely and trag sented by 68 households (Prvić Luka 30 house
ically on the island of Kornat in 2007. Bicycle holds and 468 beds and Šepurina 38 households
trails in the hinterland of Vodice run shorter (27 and 201 beds) - a total of 605 beds.
km) and longer (54 km) marathon. This mara
thon gathers 150 competitors every year from all In the structure of the accommodation ca-
over Croatia and abroad. pacities of the destination are dominated by
private households and hotels of medium
The destination has a favorable geopolitical category which can position the destination
position in relation to some of the most fa- as attractive or passionate divers, mainly ac-
mous Croatian cultural and natural attrac- commodation is not so important to recrea-
tions such as UNESCO National Parks or tional divers and those traveling with fami-
Cultural Heritage which contributes to its lies and lower incomes.
tourist attractiveness and can affect the ar-
rival of a segment of recreational divers and Accessibility Of Destination
those traveling with families and except Traffic connection
for diving an interesting and interesting
non-diving program. The destination is located in close proximity to
two airports: Split / Resnik (50km), Zadar / Ze
munik (70km). There are regular transfers by
taxi and bus from both ports to Sibenik. Both