Page 76 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 76
- introduction of a no-take zone - ecological degradation of the underwater (fish catch)
- the possibility of changing legal regulations regarding ship sei- - gradual retardation of competition
zure - the growth of other diving Mediterranean destinations
- the possibility of introducing new attractive services at diving - insufficient marketing activity in target markets
centers - the lack of a clearly shaped tourist product
- development of attractive all-inclusive offers for divers - inability to conclude concessions for underwater antique sites
- raising the quality of accommodation capacities between diving centers and the Ministry of Culture of the Re-
- diversification of tourism products is one of the goals of the public of Croatia
Tourism Development Strategy of Vodice with the proposal for
the development of diving centers / diving tourism
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 76Montenegro – Budvathe preservation of a fish-based fund that makes
Diving Tourism In Montenegro the underwater more attractive for diving.
hereditatiDiving tourism in Montenegro is not recognized
as a special type of selective tourism that has its As far as diving standards and certifications
market and the offer mostly function as an addi are concerned, only a few of the approximately
tional sporting activity in the destinations. 18 diving clubs in Montenegro have a total of ap
prox. PADI certification, which is the most pop
The umbrella organization for divers in ular and internationally most prestigious profes
Montenegro is a diving association, but they are sional certification issued to diving clubs. This
not involved in the promotion of diving tour greatly impedes the promotion of diving tourism
ism but are mainly concerned with related clubs because European tour operators specializing in
and clubs. The promotion of diving tourism is this tourism sector work exclusively with those
in the domain of TO (Tourist Organizations) diving clubs that have international certificates.
which do not distinguish this aspect of tour
ism as a special and significant niche in tourist Education of diving staff regarding the in
offer (in the Master Plan of Tourism Develop terpretation of underwater sites does not ex
ment in Montenegro by 2020, which is the last ist. The potential of multimedia technologies in
strategic document in tourism diving is hardly the presentation of underwater sites has also not
mentioned). Consequently, Montenegro is not been used at all.
presented as a destination for diving tourism at
special diving tourism fairs (ITB in Germany or There are around 16-18 diving clubs / centers
WTM in the UK). in Montenegro, all of which offer diving, cours
es and excursions. The diving season lasts about
There is no legal regulation for diving (div 4 months, from June till September. Most divers
ing tourism and diving sports are not separated services are bought in July and August when it
from other diving), so a large number of illegal is high tourist season in Montenegro confirm
and incompetent subjects dealing with diving ing the fact that diving is rarely tourist’s primary
tourism while the control system of areas where motive to arrive at the destination but one of the
the dive is insufficiently developed. side activities in the destination.
National legislation that in other European Montenegro has not been recognized on
countries allows for the development of diving the major broadcasting markets as one of the ex
tourism such as scuttling does not exist and it is isting Mediterranean diving destinations and is
very difficult to obtain a license for such a thing. not included as a destination on some of the pop
There is also no awareness of the introduction of ular web services for the purchase of tourist div
no-take zones that do not allow any human ac ing services such as:; scubatrav
tivity except diving and are primarily directed to;;
Most diving centers offer more or less the
same services as: diving courses, renting equip
ment, boat trips, diving.
- introduction of a no-take zone - ecological degradation of the underwater (fish catch)
- the possibility of changing legal regulations regarding ship sei- - gradual retardation of competition
zure - the growth of other diving Mediterranean destinations
- the possibility of introducing new attractive services at diving - insufficient marketing activity in target markets
centers - the lack of a clearly shaped tourist product
- development of attractive all-inclusive offers for divers - inability to conclude concessions for underwater antique sites
- raising the quality of accommodation capacities between diving centers and the Ministry of Culture of the Re-
- diversification of tourism products is one of the goals of the public of Croatia
Tourism Development Strategy of Vodice with the proposal for
the development of diving centers / diving tourism
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 76Montenegro – Budvathe preservation of a fish-based fund that makes
Diving Tourism In Montenegro the underwater more attractive for diving.
hereditatiDiving tourism in Montenegro is not recognized
as a special type of selective tourism that has its As far as diving standards and certifications
market and the offer mostly function as an addi are concerned, only a few of the approximately
tional sporting activity in the destinations. 18 diving clubs in Montenegro have a total of ap
prox. PADI certification, which is the most pop
The umbrella organization for divers in ular and internationally most prestigious profes
Montenegro is a diving association, but they are sional certification issued to diving clubs. This
not involved in the promotion of diving tour greatly impedes the promotion of diving tourism
ism but are mainly concerned with related clubs because European tour operators specializing in
and clubs. The promotion of diving tourism is this tourism sector work exclusively with those
in the domain of TO (Tourist Organizations) diving clubs that have international certificates.
which do not distinguish this aspect of tour
ism as a special and significant niche in tourist Education of diving staff regarding the in
offer (in the Master Plan of Tourism Develop terpretation of underwater sites does not ex
ment in Montenegro by 2020, which is the last ist. The potential of multimedia technologies in
strategic document in tourism diving is hardly the presentation of underwater sites has also not
mentioned). Consequently, Montenegro is not been used at all.
presented as a destination for diving tourism at
special diving tourism fairs (ITB in Germany or There are around 16-18 diving clubs / centers
WTM in the UK). in Montenegro, all of which offer diving, cours
es and excursions. The diving season lasts about
There is no legal regulation for diving (div 4 months, from June till September. Most divers
ing tourism and diving sports are not separated services are bought in July and August when it
from other diving), so a large number of illegal is high tourist season in Montenegro confirm
and incompetent subjects dealing with diving ing the fact that diving is rarely tourist’s primary
tourism while the control system of areas where motive to arrive at the destination but one of the
the dive is insufficiently developed. side activities in the destination.
National legislation that in other European Montenegro has not been recognized on
countries allows for the development of diving the major broadcasting markets as one of the ex
tourism such as scuttling does not exist and it is isting Mediterranean diving destinations and is
very difficult to obtain a license for such a thing. not included as a destination on some of the pop
There is also no awareness of the introduction of ular web services for the purchase of tourist div
no-take zones that do not allow any human ac ing services such as:; scubatrav
tivity except diving and are primarily directed to;;
Most diving centers offer more or less the
same services as: diving courses, renting equip
ment, boat trips, diving.