Page 75 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 75
ia universitatisairports have a good connection with all the tourists, is swimming, swimming, enjoying in
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 75 broadcasting markets throughout the year. the sun and the sea. Second place (28.7%) is new
experience, and third (25.5%) is a sightseeing of
As far as road connections are concerned, nature and national parks. As the main mo
the strategic road system of the road system is tive for coming to Vodice area, 10.6% of tour
the A1 Zagreb - Split motorway, which is con ists showed diving. As the motive of the arrival
nected via the node to the Clean Small linking of tourists in the area of V odice was the possi
network of the Town of Vodice. The highway bility of another response to their second mo
runs through the northern part of the town of tive for vacationing in the City of Vodice, 18%
Vodice. of surveyed tourists drew diving. From activi
ties involving tourists involved in the destina
The island of Prvić is connected to the tion, even 25.53% practiced diving. Diving as the
mainland by two lines from Sibenik and Vodice. main motive for the arrival of German tourists
(the most significant emission market of Vodice)
Emitive destination markets was 8.16%, Czech 8% and Poland 16.67%.
Statistics for 2016 for Vodice: domestic guests:
143,399 (overnight stays); foreign guests: 932.852 The Vodice area has already been recog-
(nights nized as a diving destination on its 3 main
tourist market: Germany, Poland and the
Most foreign guests come from Germa Czech Republic, and it would be advisable
ny, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, to focus on these markets when creating
Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Be new products in the field of diving tourism.
low 2% are from Sweden, Italy, France, Switzer Especially in the German market, which is
land, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, UK the UK’s largest European emitive diving
Motives for tourist arrivals
In the survey conducted in 2014 for the needs Table 4: SWOT
of the Tourism Development Strategy of Vod
ice (2015), according to the motive of the arriv
al of tourists on the tourist destination of Vodice
in the first place, as shown by 62.8% of surveyed
- favorable climatic conditions - the absence of a no-take zone
- attractive marine flora and fauna such as dolphins and sea tur- - legal regulations do not support the development of diving
tles (sewage ships)
- air and road accessibility of broadcasting markets - diving clubs are not willing to pay diving concessions at under-
- the destination has been recognized as a diving few on the water archeological sites
broadcasting market - a small number of diving clubs with international certifications
- a large number of antique submarine sites - a small number of ship wrecks
- a large number of protected areas on the sea - insufficiently developed offer of active tourism
- close to national parks: Kornati, Krka, nature park Vransko - lack of international quality accommodation
- close proximity to cultural and tourist centers: Split (UNES-
CO), Trogir (UNESCO), Šibenik (UNESCO) and Zadar
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 75 broadcasting markets throughout the year. the sun and the sea. Second place (28.7%) is new
experience, and third (25.5%) is a sightseeing of
As far as road connections are concerned, nature and national parks. As the main mo
the strategic road system of the road system is tive for coming to Vodice area, 10.6% of tour
the A1 Zagreb - Split motorway, which is con ists showed diving. As the motive of the arrival
nected via the node to the Clean Small linking of tourists in the area of V odice was the possi
network of the Town of Vodice. The highway bility of another response to their second mo
runs through the northern part of the town of tive for vacationing in the City of Vodice, 18%
Vodice. of surveyed tourists drew diving. From activi
ties involving tourists involved in the destina
The island of Prvić is connected to the tion, even 25.53% practiced diving. Diving as the
mainland by two lines from Sibenik and Vodice. main motive for the arrival of German tourists
(the most significant emission market of Vodice)
Emitive destination markets was 8.16%, Czech 8% and Poland 16.67%.
Statistics for 2016 for Vodice: domestic guests:
143,399 (overnight stays); foreign guests: 932.852 The Vodice area has already been recog-
(nights nized as a diving destination on its 3 main
tourist market: Germany, Poland and the
Most foreign guests come from Germa Czech Republic, and it would be advisable
ny, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, to focus on these markets when creating
Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Be new products in the field of diving tourism.
low 2% are from Sweden, Italy, France, Switzer Especially in the German market, which is
land, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, UK the UK’s largest European emitive diving
Motives for tourist arrivals
In the survey conducted in 2014 for the needs Table 4: SWOT
of the Tourism Development Strategy of Vod
ice (2015), according to the motive of the arriv
al of tourists on the tourist destination of Vodice
in the first place, as shown by 62.8% of surveyed
- favorable climatic conditions - the absence of a no-take zone
- attractive marine flora and fauna such as dolphins and sea tur- - legal regulations do not support the development of diving
tles (sewage ships)
- air and road accessibility of broadcasting markets - diving clubs are not willing to pay diving concessions at under-
- the destination has been recognized as a diving few on the water archeological sites
broadcasting market - a small number of diving clubs with international certifications
- a large number of antique submarine sites - a small number of ship wrecks
- a large number of protected areas on the sea - insufficiently developed offer of active tourism
- close to national parks: Kornati, Krka, nature park Vransko - lack of international quality accommodation
- close proximity to cultural and tourist centers: Split (UNES-
CO), Trogir (UNESCO), Šibenik (UNESCO) and Zadar