Page 77 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 77
ia universitatis Also, most diving centers do not offer pack town, rivers Donkova seka, vertical tunnel ‘Si
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 77 age deals. rena hole’, underwater cave ‘Sweet cave’, Blue
cave, Cape Good Harbor, Podkaplje cave, Cape
Budva Mogren, Kraljičina beach; the cave of Mikovic;
Inhabitants number: 10.918 the cave of Stari Ulcinj; Lighthouse, Skočiđevo
jka, Školjić, Sveta Neđelja, Katič, Donkova seka,
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving Antun, Čanj.
The Budva Coast is one of the hottest areas in Flooded ships and planes: Shipwreck ‘Pa
Montenegro, while the Budva Sea is one of the trolla’ (1952 military ship); ship wreck ‘Tihani’
hottest parts of the Adriatic Sea. (parachute from 1908) - this is the no1 dive site
in Montenegro; British Spitfire aircraft; torpedo
The color of seawater as a whole is blue, boat 76 T; patrol boat PBR 512; the ship ‘Maria
which is more intense with increasing depth and Pompei’; ‘Oreste’ boat; JNA miners; ship Senta;
salinity. Water supply is different in the years. Destroyer ‘Dague’ (French WW1 warship); gun
Thus, during the summer in the south, 33.1m in ner from the 18th; parobrod ‘Quinto’ (1922-
the spring, 31.3m in the spring, 30.5m in the win 1940); ‘Spiridon’ ship; French goblin; ‘Caro
ter, and 23.8m fall. The bathing season on the la’ boat; ship SS Skodra; ship ‘Goritia’; JNA in
Budva Riviera starts about 10 May and runs un Boka Kotorska Bay, JNA from 1983 near Luštica,
til 15 October. minesweeper 143, Junkers aircraft bomber
According to climate predispositions, the Ancient Locations: Amphora Bigovica; am
diving season can last 7-8 months: from fore rt Đerana
April to November. Given that it is current-
ly 3 months from June to September, it can The Budva submarine is characterized by
be concluded that the potential of diving the abundance and diversity of underwater
tourism in pre-season and subsection is in- locations where large quantities of submers-
sufficiently utilized. ible ships and aircraft are available, which
are the most attractive to divers by all avail-
Underwater able research. There is also a large number
Budva is open to the open sea in its southern of caves that are most attractive to divers
most, warmest and deepest part. The rugged bot among natural attractions.
tom, as it is most often before the Budva Riviera,
is rich in plant and animal life. It is covered with Diving Sites From Ancient Period
green, lime and red algae in which many species
of fish live (over 300 species). - Rt Platamuni - the site of ancient shipwreck
- Kalafat reef - remains of ancient shipwreck -
Montenegro has no protected area on the without discovered remains of broad
sea, which negatively affects the develop- - Trsteno Bay - Remains of Antique Shipwreck
ment of flora and fauna and makes the un- - Bay Jaz - Remnants that point to ancient ship
derwater less attractive for scuba diving. wreck
Diving Sites Of the interviewed diving clubs, only one
Interviewed diving clubs (3 out of a total of 7 in offers sightseeing on 2 ancient sites: amfore
the wider Budva area) offer sightseeing subma Bigovica; amfore rt Đerana. For diving at
rines on the move from Bokokotor Bay to Bar. the mentioned sites do not have permission
because diving on underwater archaeologi-
Natural attractions: Location of tun cal sites is not legally regulated in Montene-
nels, Galiola ridge, Krekavica cave, Posejdon gro. Also by exploring diving clubs, diving
at such sites is not so interesting to tourists
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 77 age deals. rena hole’, underwater cave ‘Sweet cave’, Blue
cave, Cape Good Harbor, Podkaplje cave, Cape
Budva Mogren, Kraljičina beach; the cave of Mikovic;
Inhabitants number: 10.918 the cave of Stari Ulcinj; Lighthouse, Skočiđevo
jka, Školjić, Sveta Neđelja, Katič, Donkova seka,
Resource And Attractive Base For Diving Antun, Čanj.
The Budva Coast is one of the hottest areas in Flooded ships and planes: Shipwreck ‘Pa
Montenegro, while the Budva Sea is one of the trolla’ (1952 military ship); ship wreck ‘Tihani’
hottest parts of the Adriatic Sea. (parachute from 1908) - this is the no1 dive site
in Montenegro; British Spitfire aircraft; torpedo
The color of seawater as a whole is blue, boat 76 T; patrol boat PBR 512; the ship ‘Maria
which is more intense with increasing depth and Pompei’; ‘Oreste’ boat; JNA miners; ship Senta;
salinity. Water supply is different in the years. Destroyer ‘Dague’ (French WW1 warship); gun
Thus, during the summer in the south, 33.1m in ner from the 18th; parobrod ‘Quinto’ (1922-
the spring, 31.3m in the spring, 30.5m in the win 1940); ‘Spiridon’ ship; French goblin; ‘Caro
ter, and 23.8m fall. The bathing season on the la’ boat; ship SS Skodra; ship ‘Goritia’; JNA in
Budva Riviera starts about 10 May and runs un Boka Kotorska Bay, JNA from 1983 near Luštica,
til 15 October. minesweeper 143, Junkers aircraft bomber
According to climate predispositions, the Ancient Locations: Amphora Bigovica; am
diving season can last 7-8 months: from fore rt Đerana
April to November. Given that it is current-
ly 3 months from June to September, it can The Budva submarine is characterized by
be concluded that the potential of diving the abundance and diversity of underwater
tourism in pre-season and subsection is in- locations where large quantities of submers-
sufficiently utilized. ible ships and aircraft are available, which
are the most attractive to divers by all avail-
Underwater able research. There is also a large number
Budva is open to the open sea in its southern of caves that are most attractive to divers
most, warmest and deepest part. The rugged bot among natural attractions.
tom, as it is most often before the Budva Riviera,
is rich in plant and animal life. It is covered with Diving Sites From Ancient Period
green, lime and red algae in which many species
of fish live (over 300 species). - Rt Platamuni - the site of ancient shipwreck
- Kalafat reef - remains of ancient shipwreck -
Montenegro has no protected area on the without discovered remains of broad
sea, which negatively affects the develop- - Trsteno Bay - Remains of Antique Shipwreck
ment of flora and fauna and makes the un- - Bay Jaz - Remnants that point to ancient ship
derwater less attractive for scuba diving. wreck
Diving Sites Of the interviewed diving clubs, only one
Interviewed diving clubs (3 out of a total of 7 in offers sightseeing on 2 ancient sites: amfore
the wider Budva area) offer sightseeing subma Bigovica; amfore rt Đerana. For diving at
rines on the move from Bokokotor Bay to Bar. the mentioned sites do not have permission
because diving on underwater archaeologi-
Natural attractions: Location of tun cal sites is not legally regulated in Montene-
nels, Galiola ridge, Krekavica cave, Posejdon gro. Also by exploring diving clubs, diving
at such sites is not so interesting to tourists