Page 59 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 59
ia universitatisConclusion – they can record and sort the basic and most
ar e wor ksheets death? wor ds in museum education 59 Well-elaborated worksheets bring many advan-
tages to the museum educational process because important knowledge /cognitive and syste-
they facilitate the orientation of visitors in the mizing function/;
exhibition, draw attention to significant objects
and relationships, and with the help of properly – they fixate this knowledge with the help of
chosen questions and activities they are able to
captivate the visitors by the exhibition topic and tasks and activities /fixative, controlling, de-
events. They also offer place for taking notes of velopmental and educational function/;
own observations and research results and gen-
erate space for expression of own attitudes and – they motivate to individual research or wor-
opinions on the given topic. And, last but not
least, through the reflective processes they ena- king with attitudes and opinions of the
ble to fixate the acquired knowledge, experienc- users /motivational, self-educational and co-
es or skills. The worksheets, however, should al- ordinative function/.
ways be strictly adequate to the target group of
visitors, as regards the age, abilities, ways of per- Which form the museum worksheets can have?
ception and assumed previous knowledge. With regard to the way of working with museum
Summary (methodical check list for mak- – worksheets for working with a lecturer;
ing worksheets) – self-service worksheets (Šobáň 2007, 36–

What is a museum worksheet? 38).
With regard to the way of use of worksheets
– usually a printed material, which is available we can speak of worksheets used:

to visitors in order to elucidate, supplement – before the museum visit;
or enliven a temporary or permanent exhi- – during museum activities;
bition; – in work after the museum visit (Jůva 2004,

– it is created by a museum pedagogue; 137).
– it is intended for didactic support to the ex-
With regard to extent of worksheets we
hibition topic; know, for example:

– the ideal form is always directly dependent – separate informative sheets;
– separate worksheets;
on: – informative booklets;
- particular temporary or permanent ex- – workbooks;
– children catalogues;
hibition; – complete set of complementary materials
- intended way of working with this ma-
(Křístková, Křístek 2005, 1–4).
- target group; Before you begin, you should remember that:
- abilities and didactic skills of a museum
– worksheets are a tool, not the essence of pe-
dagogical work in a museum;
Which role the worksheets are playing in a
museum? – worksheets should never be purposeless, that

– they give a hint how to work with an exhibi- is, elaborated only because it is expected,
without any clear conceptual base, disregar-
tion /orientational function/;
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