Page 91 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 91
ia universitatisuvrstili nekolike više od madžarskega in niže od tion of the population. Probate inventories provide
bogast vo in r evščina na slovenskem podeželju v evropski pr imerjalni perspektivi ... 91 katalonskega. us with both quantitative and qualitative data and, by
grouping objects into groups, provide us with compa-
Povzetek rability between different realities in space and in time.
Slovenian probate inventories are completely compara-
Prispevek predstavlja poskus uporabe kmečkih zapu- ble to inventories from other parts of Europe in terms of
ščinskih inventarjev z namenom preučevanja življenj- material culture and the standard they indicate.
skega standarda nižjih slojev v 17. in 18. stoletju. Anali-
ziranih je bilo 28 zapuščinskih inventarjev od katerih je Viri
bilo 22 že objavljenih in smo jih poimenovali »kranjski« Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Archivio Torre
ter šest neobjavljenih, ki smo jih poimenovali »kraški«.
Rezultate analiz inventarjev smo primerjali z rezultati Tasso Antico, b. 196.1, fasc. 6.
izbranih študij, objavljenih v delu Wealth and Poverty in
European Rural Societies, ki preučujejo stanje na Češkem, Literatura
Madžarskem, v Belgiji in v Kataloniji. Baš, Angelos (1953-54). »Hišna oprema
V glavnem so predmeti iz analiziranih slovenskih in-
ventarjev primerljivi z izbranimi evropskimi primeri. svobodnikov na Kranjskem v 17. in 18.
Razslojenost in vzpon posameznikov na podeželju do- stoletju«. Slovenski etnograf 23 (24): 121–
kazujejo izstopajoči inventarji obrtnikov in bogatejših 138.
kmetov, prisotnost oziroma odsotnost nekaterih pred- Broad, John in Anton Schuurman (ur.).
metov pa nakazuje na potrošnjo prebivalstva. Zapuščin- 2014. Wealth and Poverty in Europian
ski inventarji nam nudijo tako kvantitativne kot tudi Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to the
kvalitativne podatke in nam z združevanjem predme- Nineteenth Century. Turnhout. Brepols.
tov v skupine zagotavljajo primerljivost med različnimi Claverias, Belen Moreno. 2014. Class versus
stvarnostmi v prostoru in času. Slovenski zapuščinski in- consumption and consumption versus
ventarji so po materialni kulturi in standardu, ki ga na- class: the role of consumption in processes
kazujejo, povsem primerljivi z inventarji iz drugih delov of upward social mobility in pre-industrial
Evrope. Catalonia. Wealth and Poverty in Europian
Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to the
Summary Nineteenth Century, Anton Schuurman
in John Broad (ur.). 139 – 155. Turnhout.
The paper presents an attempt to use peasant probate Brepols.
inventories in order to study the standard of living of the Gomiršek, Tanja. 2020. „Brgeše ma iz štuka,
lower classes in the 17th and 18th century. 28 probate in- kolence mu ven kuka“ : inventarni popisi
ventories were analyzed. 22 probate inventories were al- kot vir za raziskovanje oblačilne kulture
ready published and we named them „Carniolan“ and kmečkega prebivalstva Goriških Brd konec
the six unpublished ones we named „Karst“. The results 18. in v 1. polovici 19. stoletja. Goriški
of the inventory analyzes were compared with the re- letnik: zbornik Goriškega muzeja 44: 45–
sults of selected studies published in Wealth and Poverty 72.
and the European Rural Societies, which examine the sit- Granasztoi, Peter. 2014. Fashion, consumption,
uation in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium and and material culture in a rural town in
Catalonia. the region of the Great Hungarian Plain
In general, the items from the analyzed Slovenian in- (Kiskunhalas), 1760 – 1850. Wealth and
ventories are comparable with selected European ex- Poverty in Europian Rural Societies from
amples. The stratification and rise of individuals in ru- the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century,
ral areas is evidenced by the outstanding inventories of Anton Schuurman in John Broad (ur.). 157
craftsmen and wealthier farmers, meanwhile the pres- – 180. Turnhout. Brepols.
ence or absence of some items indicates the consump-
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