Page 212 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XV (2019), številka 30, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 212
povzetki, synopses, ZUSAMMENFASSUNGEN
UDC 929Vlačić Ilirik M.

Luka Ilić
Peregrinatio academica in življenjska pot Matije Vlačića Ilirika:
od Labina do Wittenberga
Številni kraji, v katerih je Matija Vlačić Ilirik v odrasli dobi živel in delal, kot tudi
samo dejstvo, da se je v času svoje zrele akademske in cerkvene življenjske poti pogosto
preseljeval, so dovolj znani. Manj znana so prva desetletja njegovega življenja, ki pa so se
odvijala znotraj primerljivo velikega geografskega prostora. Pričujoči prispevek se osre-
dotoča na prva, za Vlačića formativna, leta v rojstnem Labinu ter na leta njegove študij-
ske akademske poti, ki ga je vodila v Benetke, Augsburg, Basel, Tübingen in končno v
Wittenberg. Avtor prispevka Vlačićevo peregrinatio academica vpenja v zgodovinski in
družbeni kontekst, pri čemer posebej oriše nekatere za Vlačićev razvoj pomembne ose-
be in izkušnje, s katerimi se je srečeval na tej 2.200 kilometrov dolgi poti. Članku so pri-
dodani faksimile, prepis in prevod do danes skorajda neznanega dokumenta v latinščini
iz leta 1569, ki potrjuje Vlačićevo labinsko poreklo in družinske vezi in ki ga je podpisal
beneški župan/podeštat (podestà) Labina.
Ključne besede: Vlačić, Flacius, peregrinatio academica, Labin, Literae testimoni-
ales 1569

Peregrinatio academica and Life Pilgrimage of Matthias Flacius Illyricus:
From Labin to Wittenberg
The numerous places where Matthias Flacius Illyricus lived and worked as an adult
are sufficiently well-known, as well as the fact that he stayed in many different locations
in the period of his academic and religious activities. Less known are the first decades
of his life, which he spent in a similarly large geographical area. The paper focuses on
Flacius’ formative first years in his hometown Labin and on his academic travels, which
took him to Venice, Augsburg, Basel, Tübingen and finally to Wittenberg. It puts this
peregrinatio academica into the historical and social context, with regard to people who
were important for Flacius’ development and outlining his experiences on this 2,200
km journey. Additionally, a transcript of until now almost unknown Latin document of
1569, which contains information about Flacius’ family and his origins and is signed by
the highest official (podestà) of Labin, is attached to this essay.
Keywords: Flacius, peregrinatio academica, Labin, Albona, Literae testimoniales

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