Page 24 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 24

Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. (2016). Formativno spremljanje v
             glasbenopedagoški zbornik ◆ letnik/volume 20 ◆ številka/number 40
                   podporo učenju: priročnik za učitelje in strokovne delavce (2. dopolnjena
                   izd.). Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo.
               UDC 37.091.3:373.3:78

               A systematic review of the literature confirms that formative assessment in mu-
               sic creation activities plays a significant role in improving the educational pro-
               cess of musical arts in primary school. Research (Fautley, 2004; Major, 2008;
               Forrester & Wong, 2008; Saetre, 2011; Sicherl-Kafol et al., 2017; Bolden & De-
               Luca, 2022; Bolden et al., 2023) shows that formative assessment of music cre-
               ation is effective in providing ongoing guidance and enhancing students’ cre-
               ative achievements. The interactions among students encouraged by formative
               assessment foster collaboration, peer evaluation, and critical thinking. At the
               same time, formative assessment supports the holistic development of the stu-
               dent as an individual by boosting their self-confidence and encouraging per-
               sonal growth. Additionally, formative assessment significantly contributes to
               the enhancement of creative achievements and the achievement of learning
               objectives related to music creation. It allows students to continuously imp-
               rove and refine their creative accomplishments through feedback. Moreover,
               students actively engage in the assessment of their peers’ work, thereby also re-
               ceiving feedback that encourages discussion and the gathering of advice for im-
               proving their creative achievements. Thus, formative assessment not only pro-
               motes the development of students’ musical potential but also enables a more
               comprehensive and in-depth approach to music creation in music education
               classes, leading to better achievement of learning goals. Although research (Fa-
               utley, 2004; Major, 2008; Forrester & Wong, 2008; Saetre, 2011; Sicherl-Kafol
               et al., 2017; Bolden & DeLuca, 2022; Bolden et al., 2023) highlights the impor-
               tance and positive effects of formative assessment in music creation activities,
               there is still a lack of in-depth studies on the role and significance of teachers’
               feedback during music creation. Furthermore, the reviewed articles do not pro-
               vide practical guidelines or examples of best practices in formative assessment
               for music creation activities. Such guidelines could encourage teachers to more
               frequently implement both formative assessment and music creation activities
               in music education classes. With this contribution, we encourage music educa-
               tion teachers to implement formative assessment in music education more fre-
               quently, specifically in music creation activities, to create a stimulating and cre-
               ative learning environment.

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