Page 10 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 10
ksandra Čergan Ristić Pomembnost zgodnjega razvijanja organizacijskih veščin
Osnovna šola Vič pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami
Organizacijske veščine (v nadaljevanju OV) so ključna prvina človekovega življe-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne nja, ki nam pomaga organizirati čas in pripomočke posamezne dejavnosti. Otroke
konference Spodbujanje opolnomočijo pri vzpostavitvi reda in strukture, kar krepi njihovo samostojnost
učinkovitega učenja, in osamosvojitev. V raziskavi smo analizirali OV desetih naključno izbranih otrok
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju OPP), ki obiskujejo redni program osnov-
Abstracts of the Professional nošolskega izobraževanja. S teoretičnim pregledom OV smo želeli poglobiti pre-
Conference Developing poznavanje znakov neorganiziranosti OPP in dobiti vpogled v razumevanje po-
Effective Learning, membnosti strukture OV za nemoteno funkcioniranje otroka v vsakdanjem življe-
Koper, 26 August 2020 nju. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na kaj OV vplivajo, kako jih razvijamo in s katerimi izzivi
se soočajo dezorganizirani OPP. Odsotnost OV se pri otrocih najpogosteje kaže že
v zgodnjih letih šolanja, kar povzroča težave na učnem polju, prav tako pa zmanj-
šuje pozitivno samopodobo. Ugotovili smo, da so OPP slabo opremljeni z OV, saj
nimajo usvojenega načrtovanja, zaporedja, poleg tega pa se soočajo s primanj-
kljaji, z ovirami oziroma motnjami. Dolžnost specialnih in rehabilitacijskih peda-
gogov, socialnih pedagogov, inkluzivnih pedagogov, učiteljev in drugih strokov-
nih delavcev šole je, da z OPP sistematično razvijajo področje OV in soustvarjajo
strukturo, ki ustreza individualnim potrebam OPP. Le individualno strukturiran in
dosleden pristop bo OPP pomagal pridobiti učinkovite organizacijske strategije,
s čimer bo postal opolnomočen ter pripravljen na nove izzive.
Ključne besede: otrok s posebnimi potrebami, organizacijske veščine, struktura,
The Importance of Early Development of Organizational Skills
in Children with Special Needs
Organisational skills (below, OS) are a key element of human life, helping us to
organise the time and resources of each activity. They empower children to re-
store order and structure, which enhances their autonomy and independence.
The study analysed the OS of ten randomly selected children with special needs
(below, CSN) who attend a regular elementary education programme. Through
the theoretical review of OS, we wanted to deepen the identification of signs of
disorganisation of CSN and gain insight into understanding the importance of
structure OS for the smooth functioning of the child in daily life. We were also
interested in what they affect, how we develop them, and what challenges the
disorganised CSN face. Absence of OS in children is most often manifested in the
early years of schooling, which also causes problems in the learning field and de-
creases positive self-image. We have found that CSN are poorly equipped with OS,
as they have not conquered planning and sequence, and they also face deficits,
obstacles or disorders. With the latter, there is the duty of special and rehabilita-
tion educators, social educators, inclusive educators, teachers and other profes-
sional staff of the school to systematically develop the field of OS with CSN and
co-create a structure that meets the individual needs of CSN. Only in this way will
the individually structured and consistent approach of CSN gain them effective
organisational strategies and thus be empowered and ready for new challenges.
Key words: child with special needs, organisational skills, structure, empower-
ment 8
Osnovna šola Vič pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami
Organizacijske veščine (v nadaljevanju OV) so ključna prvina človekovega življe-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne nja, ki nam pomaga organizirati čas in pripomočke posamezne dejavnosti. Otroke
konference Spodbujanje opolnomočijo pri vzpostavitvi reda in strukture, kar krepi njihovo samostojnost
učinkovitega učenja, in osamosvojitev. V raziskavi smo analizirali OV desetih naključno izbranih otrok
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju OPP), ki obiskujejo redni program osnov-
Abstracts of the Professional nošolskega izobraževanja. S teoretičnim pregledom OV smo želeli poglobiti pre-
Conference Developing poznavanje znakov neorganiziranosti OPP in dobiti vpogled v razumevanje po-
Effective Learning, membnosti strukture OV za nemoteno funkcioniranje otroka v vsakdanjem življe-
Koper, 26 August 2020 nju. Zanimalo nas je tudi, na kaj OV vplivajo, kako jih razvijamo in s katerimi izzivi
se soočajo dezorganizirani OPP. Odsotnost OV se pri otrocih najpogosteje kaže že
v zgodnjih letih šolanja, kar povzroča težave na učnem polju, prav tako pa zmanj-
šuje pozitivno samopodobo. Ugotovili smo, da so OPP slabo opremljeni z OV, saj
nimajo usvojenega načrtovanja, zaporedja, poleg tega pa se soočajo s primanj-
kljaji, z ovirami oziroma motnjami. Dolžnost specialnih in rehabilitacijskih peda-
gogov, socialnih pedagogov, inkluzivnih pedagogov, učiteljev in drugih strokov-
nih delavcev šole je, da z OPP sistematično razvijajo področje OV in soustvarjajo
strukturo, ki ustreza individualnim potrebam OPP. Le individualno strukturiran in
dosleden pristop bo OPP pomagal pridobiti učinkovite organizacijske strategije,
s čimer bo postal opolnomočen ter pripravljen na nove izzive.
Ključne besede: otrok s posebnimi potrebami, organizacijske veščine, struktura,
The Importance of Early Development of Organizational Skills
in Children with Special Needs
Organisational skills (below, OS) are a key element of human life, helping us to
organise the time and resources of each activity. They empower children to re-
store order and structure, which enhances their autonomy and independence.
The study analysed the OS of ten randomly selected children with special needs
(below, CSN) who attend a regular elementary education programme. Through
the theoretical review of OS, we wanted to deepen the identification of signs of
disorganisation of CSN and gain insight into understanding the importance of
structure OS for the smooth functioning of the child in daily life. We were also
interested in what they affect, how we develop them, and what challenges the
disorganised CSN face. Absence of OS in children is most often manifested in the
early years of schooling, which also causes problems in the learning field and de-
creases positive self-image. We have found that CSN are poorly equipped with OS,
as they have not conquered planning and sequence, and they also face deficits,
obstacles or disorders. With the latter, there is the duty of special and rehabilita-
tion educators, social educators, inclusive educators, teachers and other profes-
sional staff of the school to systematically develop the field of OS with CSN and
co-create a structure that meets the individual needs of CSN. Only in this way will
the individually structured and consistent approach of CSN gain them effective
organisational strategies and thus be empowered and ready for new challenges.
Key words: child with special needs, organisational skills, structure, empower-
ment 8