Page 15 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 15
ta Čelhar Od šolskega praga do bele Ljubljane: povezovanje med predmeti
Osnovna šola Prestranek in učenci podeželske in mestne šole
Z učenci 3. razreda OŠ Prestranek smo se z učenci Osnovne šole Karla Destovnika
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne – Kajuha iz Ljubljane povezali v medšolskem projektu. Učenci so si skozi šolsko
konference Spodbujanje leto dopisovali z vrstniki iz Ljubljane. Poudarek medpredmetnega sodelovanja je
učinkovitega učenja, bil na predmetih slovenščina in spoznavanje okolja. Spoznali so poštarja Pavlija,
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 kako potuje pismo in kako je potovalo nekoč. S pomočjo knjižničnih gradiv in
Abstracts of the Professional uporabe IKT so spoznali Muzej pošte in telekomunikacij ter raziskovali razvoj po-
Conference Developing šte skozi čas. Prek pisanja pisem so učenci krepili jezikovne in pisne spretnosti. V
Effective Learning, pismih so opisovali svoj razred, šolo, domači kraj, promet. Spoznavali so kulturno
Koper, 26 August 2020 in naravno dediščino obeh krajev, ugotavljali razlike med mestom in podeželjem
ter spoznali nove prijatelje. Ob zaključku šolskega leta so odšli na ekskurzijo, kjer
so svoje nove prijatelje v glavnem mestu Ljubljani tudi obiskali. Ti so jim predsta-
vili staro mestno jedro, arhitekta Jožeta Plečnika in Ljubljanski grad, kamor smo
se povzpeli s tirno vzpenjačo. Tretješolci iz Ljubljane so nam obisk vrnili. Zanje
smo pripravili delavnice, ki so jih vodili lovec, ribič in čebelarka iz lokalnih dru-
štev. Učenci so spoznali okoliške živali, njihovo življenjsko okolje in pomen skrbi
za naravo. Učenci so spoznali, da življenje v mestu oziroma na podeželju poteka
nekoliko drugače, saj nam že okolje samo ponuja drugačne možnosti.

Ključne besede: medpredmetno povezovanje, medšolsko sodelovanje, mesto, po-
deželje, ekskurzija

From School Doorstep to the Vastness of Ljubljana: Interdisciplinary
Integration and Pupils from Rural and Urban School

The third grade pupils from the Prestranek Primary School have bonded with
the pupils from Karel Destovnik-Kajuh Primary School in Ljubljana as a part of an
inter-school project. The pupils have corresponded with each other throughout
the school year. Interdisciplinary cooperation focused mainly on two school sub-
jects, Slovene and Environment. We met Pavli the postman, learned how a letter
travels and how it travelled in the past. With the help of library materials and the
use of IT, the pupils learned about the Museum of Post and Telecommunications
and researched the development of post through time. Through writing letters,
the pupils have improved their linguistic and writing skills. They wrote about their
class, school, home town, and traffic. They learned about the cultural and natural
heritage of both places, searched for differences between the city and the coun-
tryside and made new friends at the same time. At the end of the school year the
pupils from Prestranek went on an excursion where they visited their friends in
Slovenia’s capital city – Ljubljana. The pupils from Ljubljana showed them the old
city centre, the buildings designed by the famous architect Jože Plečnik and Ljubl-
jana Castle which they visited via the funicular railway. The third graders from
Ljubljana returned the visit. The Prestranek Primary School organised workshops
led by a hunter, a fisherman and a beekeeper from the local societies. The chil-
dren got to know the local animals, their habitat and the importance of caring
for nature. The pupils became aware of the differences between the city and the
countryside and realised that even the environment itself offers different possi-

Key words: interdisciplinary connection, interschool cooperation, city, country-
side, excursion 13
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