Page 18 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 18
lina Vidrih Medpredmetno povezovanje angleščine z matematiko
Osnovna šola Danila Lokarja v 1. vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju
Ajdovščina Učna načrta za tuji jezik v 1. triletju kot glavno merilo za izbiro tem predlagata vse-
bine ostalih predmetov. Pri pouku angleščine izbiram tematiko različnih predme-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne tov, seveda pa pri tem usvajanje učnih ciljev angleščine povezujem s cilji ostalih
konference Spodbujanje predmetov in čim bolj sledim poteku pouka ostalih predmetov. V prispevku so
učinkovitega učenja, predstavljene vsebine iz matematike, ki so uporabne pri skoraj vseh tematikah
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 v različnih fazah pouka: kot motivacija, obravnava nove snovi, utrjevanje, pre-
Abstracts of the Professional verjanje ter tudi ocenjevanje. Primer: štetje in računanje v 1. in 2. razredu redno
Conference Developing uporabljamo kot del uvodne motivacije. V prispevku so predstavljeni konkretni
Effective Learning, primeri medpredmetne povezave matematike in angleščine v 1. VIO: orientacija
Koper, 26 August 2020 v prostoru (levo, desno, naprej, nazaj), naravna števila do 100 (štetje, primerja-
nje) in številske operacije (seštevanje, odštevanje, množenje in deljenje), merje-
nje (merska enota za denar), liki, razporejanje po eni ali več lastnostih ter prikazi
(preglednice). Pri pouku večkrat raziskujemo in dobljene rezultate prikazujemo
na različne načine. Primer: v 2. razredu se pogovarjamo o prevoznih sredstvih
in naredimo raziskavo o tem, kako pridejo v šolo. Najprej oblikujemo množice
na tabli, nato pa dobljene podatke prenesemo v preglednico na učnem listu. Pri
pouku na daljavo so učenci spoznali tudi spletne matematične igre v angleščini
(,,, reševali pa so
tudi matematične interaktivne učne liste (

Ključne besede: medpredmetno povezovanje, matematika, angleščina, 1. VIO

Cross-Curricular Integration of English and Maths
in the 1st Educational Period

Both foreign language curricula for the 1st educational triad suggest the contents
of other subjects as the main criterion for the selection of topics. I choose the
topics of different subjects for my English lessons. I also try to connect the acqui-
sition of English learning goals with the goals of other subjects, and follow the
lessons of other subjects as much as possible. The paper presents mathemati-
cal contents, which are useful in almost all topics in different phases of teaching:
as introduction or motivation, discussion of new subject matter, revision, knowl-
edge testing, and assessment. Example: Counting and calculating are used reg-
ularly in the 1st and the 2nd grade as a part of a lesson introduction. The paper
presents some concrete examples of cross-curricular integration of mathemat-
ics and English in the 1st educational period: spatial orientation (left, right, for-
ward, backward), numbers to 100 (counting, comparing) and operations (addi-
tion, subtraction, multiplication and division), measurement (a unit for measure-
ment that applies to money), shapes, arrangement by one or more properties,
and displays (charts). We often do research and present the obtained results in
different ways. Example: In the 2nd grade we talk about means of transportation
and do research on how they come to school in the morning. We first form the
sets on the board, and then we transfer the obtained data to a spreadsheet on
the worksheet. During this year’s distance learning I introduced online mathe-
matical games in English to my pupils (, kidsmathgameson-,, and also mathematical interactive worksheets (live-

Key words: cross-curricular integration, maths, English, 1st educational period 16
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