Page 150 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 150
rumenih jopičev, pa je opaziti večstavčno skladenjsko zgradbo, pogos-
to rabo vprašalnega naklona in nevtralno besedišče. Pričujoča razprava
izpostavlja relevantnost jezikoslovnih metod, ki lahko prispevajo k prese-
ganju družbenih stereotipov in omogočijo globlje razumevanje aktualnega
družbenega dogajanja.
The role of linguistics in understanding social dynamics:
the example of the Yellow vests movement in France
This article aims to identify the linguistic structure of messages written by
French Twitter users reacting to the establishment of the Yellow vests mo-
vement protesting the government of Emmanuel Macron. The analysis in-
cludes three levels: textual level analysing the length of the posts, syntactic
level inspecting the sentence structure and complexity, and lexical level ob-
serving whether the users include explicit vocabulary revealing their opini-
on or not. The results show that the tweets supporting the Yellow vests mo-
vement are more likely to perform simple sentence structure, to use more
exclamative structures and a more explicit vocabulary. On the other hand,
the tweets that reveal negative sentiments towards the Yellow vests move-
ment are characterized by a more complex syntactic structure, frequent use
of interrogative sentences and a rather neutral vocabulary. This contributi-
on underlines the potential of linguistic methods at overcoming social ste-
reotypes and understanding social dynamism.
to rabo vprašalnega naklona in nevtralno besedišče. Pričujoča razprava
izpostavlja relevantnost jezikoslovnih metod, ki lahko prispevajo k prese-
ganju družbenih stereotipov in omogočijo globlje razumevanje aktualnega
družbenega dogajanja.
The role of linguistics in understanding social dynamics:
the example of the Yellow vests movement in France
This article aims to identify the linguistic structure of messages written by
French Twitter users reacting to the establishment of the Yellow vests mo-
vement protesting the government of Emmanuel Macron. The analysis in-
cludes three levels: textual level analysing the length of the posts, syntactic
level inspecting the sentence structure and complexity, and lexical level ob-
serving whether the users include explicit vocabulary revealing their opini-
on or not. The results show that the tweets supporting the Yellow vests mo-
vement are more likely to perform simple sentence structure, to use more
exclamative structures and a more explicit vocabulary. On the other hand,
the tweets that reveal negative sentiments towards the Yellow vests move-
ment are characterized by a more complex syntactic structure, frequent use
of interrogative sentences and a rather neutral vocabulary. This contributi-
on underlines the potential of linguistic methods at overcoming social ste-
reotypes and understanding social dynamism.