Page 32 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, Boštjan Žvanut, eds. 2017. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije ▪︎ Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 32
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 30 Potrebno je ozaveščanje laične in strokovne javnosti in preventiva pred zasvo-
jenostjo z alkoholom. Podpora javnega zdravstva pri razvoju tovrstnih skupin
je dobra in pametna strokovna naložba.
Ključne besede: duševno zdravje, življenjski stil, podpora, zdravstvena nega,
klubi zdravljenih alkoholikov
Introduction: The purpose of the research was to determine the impact of al-
cohol dependence on individual’s life and its quality of life, its performance to
cope with dependence and social reintegration of the persons who were in-
volved in group therapy. Methods: The secondary data analysis was used. Data
were collected by using a semi-structured questionnaire in April 2015. The con-
venience sample of 44 participants attending group therapy in one of the Alco-
hol recovery centres in Styria region was applied. The sample included mostly
men (n=33; 75 %); the large proportion of the participants was between 50-59
years (n=15; 34.1 %); most of the participants have completed upper secondary
education (n=17; 38.6 %). The results were analysed with SPSS ver. 20 by us-
ing descriptive and analytical statistics (chi-square test, Fisher test). Results: The
findings suggest that participation in group therapy has a positive effect on the
treatment of alcohol dependence and improves the quality of life, regardless of
demographic variables. The results suggest that group therapy is irreplaceable
part in the treatment and rehabilitation of addiction. Discussion and Conclusions:
Treatment of the syndrome of alcohol dependence is successful only with com-
plete abstinence and healthy lifestyle, which can be permanently maintained in
groups or clubs for recovering alcoholics. It is necessary to raise awareness of
the lay and expert public and prevention of alcohol dependence. Support of
public health sector in the development of such groups is good professional in-
vestment that on a long term is worthwhile.
Key words: mental health, lifestyle, support, nursing, alcohol recovery centres

Čuječnost kot pristop za izboljšanje duševnega zdravja delovno
aktivne populacije
Mindfulness as an approach for enhancing the mental health
of working population
Maja Frencl Žvanut
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 4, Ljubljana
Čuječnost je definirana kot nepresojajoče, osredotočeno opazovanje
posameznikovih zaznav, misli in emocij v sedanjem trenutku s prijaznostjo,
radovednostjo in sprejemanjem. Vsak posameznik ima do določene mere v sebi
vgrajeno sposobnost biti čuječen, tako imenovano dispozicijsko čuječnost, ki
pa se od posameznika do posameznika razlikuje. Visoka dispozicijska čuječnost
je povezana z višjo psihološko odpornostjo, boljšimi mehanizmi soočanja s
stresom, in psihološkim dobrim počutjem. Čuječnost se podobno kot veščina
lahko tudi razvija kot veščina. Glede na navedene pozitivne učinke čuječnosti na
mentalno zdravje, so bili razviti in implementirani številni na čuječnosti temelječi
programi s ciljem zmanjšanja simptomov stresa, izgorevanja, anksioznosti in
depresije. V zadnjem desetletju so številne organizacije prepoznale učinkovitost
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