Page 242 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 242
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš
war and focus our attention on the individuals, then we can follow a certain
logic. The case of Ivan Puntar is very instructive. Although an atypical ex-
ample, it illustrates one side of the uncertain and unstable situation during
World War II. Within the given options, he tried to pragmatically run his
farm for as long as possible. In times of irrationality he tried to act ration-
ally, he saw the farm outside the war. He was already thinking about sow-
ing at the time of the harvest, even though the world was breaking apart
around him. But he was always aware of the cyclical nature of agricultur-
al labour. Despite the war, he channelled an inflated farm income into pro-
ductive investments rather than excessive consumption, as World War I ex-
ample shows. In the end, it did not work out for him either. The storm of
war eroded his rationalism, eliminated his pragmatism, took away all hope,
devastated his farm and disrupted his family. But debt-to-creditor relation-
ships survived the wars!
war and focus our attention on the individuals, then we can follow a certain
logic. The case of Ivan Puntar is very instructive. Although an atypical ex-
ample, it illustrates one side of the uncertain and unstable situation during
World War II. Within the given options, he tried to pragmatically run his
farm for as long as possible. In times of irrationality he tried to act ration-
ally, he saw the farm outside the war. He was already thinking about sow-
ing at the time of the harvest, even though the world was breaking apart
around him. But he was always aware of the cyclical nature of agricultur-
al labour. Despite the war, he channelled an inflated farm income into pro-
ductive investments rather than excessive consumption, as World War I ex-
ample shows. In the end, it did not work out for him either. The storm of
war eroded his rationalism, eliminated his pragmatism, took away all hope,
devastated his farm and disrupted his family. But debt-to-creditor relation-
ships survived the wars!