Page 239 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2018. Nova glasba v “novi” Evropi med obema svetovnima vojnama ?? New Music in the “New” Europe Between the Two World Wars. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 2
P. 239
o polislogovnosti klasicističnega modernizma po razkritju »adornovske zmote« ...
Anthony Pople, 69–89. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press,
Cook, Nicholas and Anthony Pople, ur. The Cambridge history of twentieth-
-century music, Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Danuser, Hermann. »Rewriting the past: classicisms of the inter-war period«.
V The Cambridge history of twentieth-century music, ur. Nicholas Cook
in Anthony Pople, 260–285. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press,
Franklin, Peter. »Between the wars: traditions, modernisms, and the 'little
people from the suburbs'«. V The Cambridge history of twentieth-centu-
ry music. ur. Nicholas Cook in Anthony Pople, 186–209. Cambridge etc.:
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. Orkestralni opus Demetrija Žebreta. Magistrsko
delo. Ljubljana, samozal., 2006.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. Demetrij Žebrè in sodobne slogovne tendence sloven-
ske glasbe. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, samozal., 2016.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. »Donedavno pojmovanje glasbenega modernizma –
'adornovska zmota'?«. Muzikološki zbornik 53,1 (2017): 121–141.
Timms, Andrew. »Modernism's moment of plenitude«. V The modernist lega-
cy: essays on new music, ur. Björn Heile, 13–24. Farnham, Surrey: Ashga-
te, 2009.
Whittall, Arnold. Exploring Twentieth-Century Music: Tradition and innovati-
on. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Whittall, Arnold. »Neo-classicism«. V Oxford music online – Gro-
ve music online. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007–
2016. Obiskano 12. december 2015. http://www.oxfordmusic
o nl i n e . c o m . e z p r o x y. l i b . u k m . s i /s u b s c r i b e r /a r t i c l e /g r o v e /
Anthony Pople, 69–89. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press,
Cook, Nicholas and Anthony Pople, ur. The Cambridge history of twentieth-
-century music, Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Danuser, Hermann. »Rewriting the past: classicisms of the inter-war period«.
V The Cambridge history of twentieth-century music, ur. Nicholas Cook
in Anthony Pople, 260–285. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press,
Franklin, Peter. »Between the wars: traditions, modernisms, and the 'little
people from the suburbs'«. V The Cambridge history of twentieth-centu-
ry music. ur. Nicholas Cook in Anthony Pople, 186–209. Cambridge etc.:
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. Orkestralni opus Demetrija Žebreta. Magistrsko
delo. Ljubljana, samozal., 2006.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. Demetrij Žebrè in sodobne slogovne tendence sloven-
ske glasbe. Doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana, samozal., 2016.
Salmič Kovačič, Karmen. »Donedavno pojmovanje glasbenega modernizma –
'adornovska zmota'?«. Muzikološki zbornik 53,1 (2017): 121–141.
Timms, Andrew. »Modernism's moment of plenitude«. V The modernist lega-
cy: essays on new music, ur. Björn Heile, 13–24. Farnham, Surrey: Ashga-
te, 2009.
Whittall, Arnold. Exploring Twentieth-Century Music: Tradition and innovati-
on. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Whittall, Arnold. »Neo-classicism«. V Oxford music online – Gro-
ve music online. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007–
2016. Obiskano 12. december 2015. http://www.oxfordmusic
o nl i n e . c o m . e z p r o x y. l i b . u k m . s i /s u b s c r i b e r /a r t i c l e /g r o v e /