Page 332 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VIII (2012), številka 15-16, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 332
A summit on women. Time. 8. julij 1992.
Ambruž, Blanka. Podoba Boga v feministični teologiji. Diplomsko delo. Teološka
fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 2000.
Anglican study says women bishop needed. Christian Century. 14. december
Bagilhole, Barbara. Prospects for change? Structural, Cultural and Action
Dimensions of the Careers of Pioneer Women Priests in the Church of
England. Gender, Work and Organization. 10 (2003) 361–377.
Chapman, Mark. Anglicanism, a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2006.
Christianity: the complete guide. London: Continuum, 2005.
Church of England may allow women bishops despite threats of split. Christiian
Century. 12. avgust 2008.
Cornell, Jean. Kairos Comes Too Soon: Are Women Priests in Retreat in the
Church of England? Feminist Theology, 12 (2003), 43–51.
Divided they stand. Economist. 21. november 1992.
Encyclopedia of Christian theology (2005). New York, London: Routledge, 2005.
Francis, L. J., Robbins, M. in Astley, J. Fragmented Faith? Exploring the Faultlines in
the Church of England. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2005. Navaja Carol Roberts idr.,
The Ordination of Women and the Church of England Today: Two Integri-
ties, but One Pattern of Decline in Membership Statistics. Journal of Anglican
Studies 4 (2006): 202.
Furlan, Nadja. Prispevek krščanskih ženskih teologij k enakopravnemu položaju ženske
v družbi in Cerkvah. Magistrsko delo. Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani,
God willing. Economist. 7. november 1992.
Hebblethwaite, Peter. Anglican women priests pose new wrinkles for dialoge.
National Catholic Reporter. 25. marec 1994.
Jones, Ian. Earnings behind the altar? Anglican expectations of the ordination
of women as priest. Dutch Review of Church History 83 (2003): 462–476.
Kasper, Walter. Rimsko-katoliška razmišljanja o Anglikanski skupnosti. V
edinosti. Maribor: 2009.
Katekizem katoliške Cerkve. Ljubljana: Slovenska škofovska konferenca, 1993.
Kongregacija za verski nauk. Inter insignores. V: AAS 69 (1977), 98–116. Slov.
prevod v: Nadškofijski ordinariat v Ljubljani. Okrožnica 2 (1977).
A summit on women. Time. 8. julij 1992.
Ambruž, Blanka. Podoba Boga v feministični teologiji. Diplomsko delo. Teološka
fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 2000.
Anglican study says women bishop needed. Christian Century. 14. december
Bagilhole, Barbara. Prospects for change? Structural, Cultural and Action
Dimensions of the Careers of Pioneer Women Priests in the Church of
England. Gender, Work and Organization. 10 (2003) 361–377.
Chapman, Mark. Anglicanism, a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2006.
Christianity: the complete guide. London: Continuum, 2005.
Church of England may allow women bishops despite threats of split. Christiian
Century. 12. avgust 2008.
Cornell, Jean. Kairos Comes Too Soon: Are Women Priests in Retreat in the
Church of England? Feminist Theology, 12 (2003), 43–51.
Divided they stand. Economist. 21. november 1992.
Encyclopedia of Christian theology (2005). New York, London: Routledge, 2005.
Francis, L. J., Robbins, M. in Astley, J. Fragmented Faith? Exploring the Faultlines in
the Church of England. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2005. Navaja Carol Roberts idr.,
The Ordination of Women and the Church of England Today: Two Integri-
ties, but One Pattern of Decline in Membership Statistics. Journal of Anglican
Studies 4 (2006): 202.
Furlan, Nadja. Prispevek krščanskih ženskih teologij k enakopravnemu položaju ženske
v družbi in Cerkvah. Magistrsko delo. Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani,
God willing. Economist. 7. november 1992.
Hebblethwaite, Peter. Anglican women priests pose new wrinkles for dialoge.
National Catholic Reporter. 25. marec 1994.
Jones, Ian. Earnings behind the altar? Anglican expectations of the ordination
of women as priest. Dutch Review of Church History 83 (2003): 462–476.
Kasper, Walter. Rimsko-katoliška razmišljanja o Anglikanski skupnosti. V
edinosti. Maribor: 2009.
Katekizem katoliške Cerkve. Ljubljana: Slovenska škofovska konferenca, 1993.
Kongregacija za verski nauk. Inter insignores. V: AAS 69 (1977), 98–116. Slov.
prevod v: Nadškofijski ordinariat v Ljubljani. Okrožnica 2 (1977).