Page 333 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik VIII (2012), številka 15-16, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 333
Neuner, Peter. Ekklesiologie – Die Lehre von der Kirche. V: Beinert Wolfgang.
Glaubenszugänge. Lehrbuch der Katholischen Dogmatik. München, Wien, Zürich;
Schöningh Paderborn, 1995.
R. N. S. Foes of women priests want own jurisdiction. Christian Century. Chicago,
19. november 1997.
Roberts, Carol idr. The Ordination of Women and the Church of England
Today: Two Integrities, but One Pattern of Decline in Membership Statistics.
Journal of Anglican Studies 4 (2006): 201–218.
The Encirciling Gloom. National Review. 4. april 1994.
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3. izd. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1997.
Vatican study helped anglican decision to ordain women. National Catholic
Reporter. 1. april 1994.
Voas, David. Ordained but Disdained: Women’s Work in the Church of England,
Modern Believing 48 (2007): 4–11.
Women bishops in the Church of England? London: Church House publishing, 2004.
Woodward, Kenneth L. Pink Collars for Anglicans. Newsweek. 21. marec 1994.
Woodward, Kenneth L. Putting Women at the Altar. Newsweek. 23. november
Žakelj, Peter. Med vami pa naj ne bo tako …: ženska v Cerkvi in družbi. Diplomsko
delo. Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 1992.
Neuner, Peter. Ekklesiologie – Die Lehre von der Kirche. V: Beinert Wolfgang.
Glaubenszugänge. Lehrbuch der Katholischen Dogmatik. München, Wien, Zürich;
Schöningh Paderborn, 1995.
R. N. S. Foes of women priests want own jurisdiction. Christian Century. Chicago,
19. november 1997.
Roberts, Carol idr. The Ordination of Women and the Church of England
Today: Two Integrities, but One Pattern of Decline in Membership Statistics.
Journal of Anglican Studies 4 (2006): 201–218.
The Encirciling Gloom. National Review. 4. april 1994.
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3. izd. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1997.
Vatican study helped anglican decision to ordain women. National Catholic
Reporter. 1. april 1994.
Voas, David. Ordained but Disdained: Women’s Work in the Church of England,
Modern Believing 48 (2007): 4–11.
Women bishops in the Church of England? London: Church House publishing, 2004.
Woodward, Kenneth L. Pink Collars for Anglicans. Newsweek. 21. marec 1994.
Woodward, Kenneth L. Putting Women at the Altar. Newsweek. 23. november
Žakelj, Peter. Med vami pa naj ne bo tako …: ženska v Cerkvi in družbi. Diplomsko
delo. Teološka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, 1992.