Page 270 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IX (2013), številka 17-18, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 270
Tretji sklop je potekal pod naslovom (Conter-) Reformation. Referi-
rali so: Gabriella Erdélyi (Budimpešta), Letters to the Antichrist: Papal
Pardon and the Reformation; Stanko Andrić (Slavonski Brod), A Pro
testant’s Letter and its Catholic Interpreters (Michael Starinus’s Pastoral
Report from 1551 and its Echo in Croatien Historiography); Marina Mila-
dinov (Zagreb), As Christianitiy Goes Blind: Echoes of the Terrible History
of Franciscus Spiera in the Hungarian and Slavic Lands.
V sklopu Reformation in Transit so referirali: Vincenc Rajšp (Ljublja-
na), Connections between the Reformation Movement in Croatian and Slo-
venian Lands; Szabolcs Varga (Pécs), The Proces of the Reformation in the
Area beyond the Drava of the Diocese of Pécs in the 16th Century; Gene S.
Whiting (Čakovec), The Reformation in Međimurje, Southeastern Slovenia
and Western Hungary in Light of Aristocratic Connections.
Četrti sklop je imel naslov Micro-Reformations. Referirali so: Andrej
Hozjan (Maribor), Districtus Transmuranus: Its Connections to the Croati-
an Lands during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation Period; Žiga
Oman (Maribor), The Dravsko Polje District of the Augsburg Confession – A
Styrian Border Area during the Reformation Period and its Connections with
the Croatian Lands; Franc Kuzmič (Murska Sobota), The Evangelical
Church in Surd as a Spiritual Center for Međimurje and Prekmurje in the
17th and 18th Centuries; Maja Ćutić Gorup (Rijeka), Promoters of Protestant
Thought in Pazin County.
Zadnji sklop je dobil naslov Cultural Reformation. Predavali so:
Hermann Ehmer (Stuttgart), The Urach Printing Shop and its Significan-
ce for Croatian Literature: Production – Finance – Distribution; Alojz Jem-
brih (Zagreb), Slavischer Buecherdruck. The Tübingen University Archives
as a Source for the History of the Croatian Printing Shop in Urach (1561–
1565); Nataša Štefanec (Zagreb), Sacral Buildings on Aristocratic Estates
in the Croatian-Slavonian Kingdom during the Reformation.
Simpozij je bil odlično organiziran, mednarodna zasedba preda-
vateljev pa je poskrbela za nazorno predstavitev čezmejne poveza-
nosti tega verskega in družbenega gibanja. Zelo dobro je bila zasto-
pana Slovenija, tako da so bile izčrpno predstavljene povezave med
reformacijo v hrvaških in slovenskih deželah. Gotovo so bile naj
močnejši povezovalni faktor zgodovinske politične meje. Velik del
Istre, ki je danes v okviru države Hrvaške, je bil v času reformacije v
Tretji sklop je potekal pod naslovom (Conter-) Reformation. Referi-
rali so: Gabriella Erdélyi (Budimpešta), Letters to the Antichrist: Papal
Pardon and the Reformation; Stanko Andrić (Slavonski Brod), A Pro
testant’s Letter and its Catholic Interpreters (Michael Starinus’s Pastoral
Report from 1551 and its Echo in Croatien Historiography); Marina Mila-
dinov (Zagreb), As Christianitiy Goes Blind: Echoes of the Terrible History
of Franciscus Spiera in the Hungarian and Slavic Lands.
V sklopu Reformation in Transit so referirali: Vincenc Rajšp (Ljublja-
na), Connections between the Reformation Movement in Croatian and Slo-
venian Lands; Szabolcs Varga (Pécs), The Proces of the Reformation in the
Area beyond the Drava of the Diocese of Pécs in the 16th Century; Gene S.
Whiting (Čakovec), The Reformation in Međimurje, Southeastern Slovenia
and Western Hungary in Light of Aristocratic Connections.
Četrti sklop je imel naslov Micro-Reformations. Referirali so: Andrej
Hozjan (Maribor), Districtus Transmuranus: Its Connections to the Croati-
an Lands during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation Period; Žiga
Oman (Maribor), The Dravsko Polje District of the Augsburg Confession – A
Styrian Border Area during the Reformation Period and its Connections with
the Croatian Lands; Franc Kuzmič (Murska Sobota), The Evangelical
Church in Surd as a Spiritual Center for Međimurje and Prekmurje in the
17th and 18th Centuries; Maja Ćutić Gorup (Rijeka), Promoters of Protestant
Thought in Pazin County.
Zadnji sklop je dobil naslov Cultural Reformation. Predavali so:
Hermann Ehmer (Stuttgart), The Urach Printing Shop and its Significan-
ce for Croatian Literature: Production – Finance – Distribution; Alojz Jem-
brih (Zagreb), Slavischer Buecherdruck. The Tübingen University Archives
as a Source for the History of the Croatian Printing Shop in Urach (1561–
1565); Nataša Štefanec (Zagreb), Sacral Buildings on Aristocratic Estates
in the Croatian-Slavonian Kingdom during the Reformation.
Simpozij je bil odlično organiziran, mednarodna zasedba preda-
vateljev pa je poskrbela za nazorno predstavitev čezmejne poveza-
nosti tega verskega in družbenega gibanja. Zelo dobro je bila zasto-
pana Slovenija, tako da so bile izčrpno predstavljene povezave med
reformacijo v hrvaških in slovenskih deželah. Gotovo so bile naj
močnejši povezovalni faktor zgodovinske politične meje. Velik del
Istre, ki je danes v okviru države Hrvaške, je bil v času reformacije v