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Petra Lazar | Mreženje podjetij s podpornimi institucijami
cijami kriva predvsem primanjkovanje znanja in Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša. 2016. »Mre-
usposobljenosti ter nepoznavanje sistema s spre- ženje.« Terminološka svetovalnica. https://isjfr.zrc
mljajočo zapleteno birokracijo.
Literatura Kavaš, D. 1998. Slovenski nacionalni inovacijski sistem v
Benavente, D., D. Soumitra in S. Wunsch-Vincent. 2012. primerjavi z nacionalnimi inovacijskimi sistemi v iz-
branih državah Evropske unije. Ljubljana: Ekonom-
»The Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Inno- ska fakulteta.
vation Linkages for Global Growth.« V The Global
Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages Konda, I. 2014. »Unija inovacij in inovacijska dejavnost
for Global Growth, ur. D. Soumitra, 3–80. Fontaine- Slovenije.« Revija za ekonomske in poslovne vede 1 (1):
bleau: insead. 38–50.
Biggs, T., in M. K. Shah. 2006. »African smes, Ne-
tworks, and Manufacturing Performance.« Journal Munih Stanič, Š. 2003. »Medorganizacijske in medpod-
of Banking and Finance 30 (11): 3043–3066. jetniške mreže: pregled in smernice za nadaljnje
Birley, S. 1985. »The Role of Networks in the Entrere- raziskave.« Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Ljubljani.
neruial Process.« Journal of Business Venturing 1 (1):
107–117. Nieto, M. J., in L. Santamaria. 2007. »The Importance
Bratkovič, T., in B. Antončič. 2008. »Podjetniške mreže.« of Diverse Collaborative Networks for the Novelty
V Podjetništvo, ur. M. Ruzzier, B. Antončič, T. Brat- of Product Innovation.« Technovation 27 (6–7): 367–
kovič in R. Hisrich, 81–92. Koper: Društvo za aka- 377.
demske in aplikativne raziskave.
Buckley, P. J. 1993. »Foreign Direct Investment by Small Ritter, T., in H. G. Gemünden. 2003. »Network Compe-
and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Theoretical tence its Impact on Innovation Success and Its An-
Background.« V The Internationalization of the Firm: tecedents.« Journal of Business Research 56 (9): 745–
A Reader, ur. P. J. Buckley in P. N. Ghauri, 89–100. 755.
London: Academic Press.
European Commission. 2011. Opportunities for the In- Ritter, T., in H. G. Gemünden. 2004. »The Impact of a
ternationalisation of European smes: Final Report. Company’s Business Strategy on Its Technological
Bruselj: European Commission. Competence, Network Competence and Innovation
Godin, B., in Y. Gingras. 2000. »The Place of Universi- Success.« Journal of Business Research 57 (5): 544–
ties in the Knowledge Production.« Research Policy 556.
29 (2): 273–275.
Harrison, B. 1992. »Industrial Districts: Old Wine in Ruzzier, M., in M. Konečnik Ruzzier. 2007. »Internaci-
New Bottles?« Regional Studies 26 (5): 469–483. onalizacija malih in srednjih podjetij: integrativni
Hitt, M. A., R. D. Ireland, S. M. Camp in D. L. Sexton. konceptualni model.« Organizacija 40 (1): 42–53.
2001. »Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special
Issue Strategic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Singh, R. P., G. E. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin in R. C. Hybels.
Strategies for Wealth Creation.« Strategic Manage- 1999. The Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
ment Journal 22 (6–7): 479–491. Process: Examining the Role of Self-Perceived Aler-
Hoang, H., in N. Young. 2000. Social Embeddedness and tness and Social Networks. Chicago: Academy of Ma-
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: (More) Evi- nagement.
dence of Embeddedness. Wellesley, ma: Babson Col-
lege. Smeltzer, L. R., B. L. Van Hook, R. W. Hutt. 1991. »Ana-
Hotz-Hart, B. 2000. »Innovation Networks, Regions lysis and Use of Advisors as Information Sources in
and Globalization.« V The Oxford Handbook of Eco- Venture Startups.« Journal of Small Business Mana-
nomic Geography, ur. G. L. Clark, M. P. Feldman in gement 29 (3): 10–20.
M. S. Gertler, 432–450. New York: Oxford Univer-
sity Press. Zakon o podpornem okolju za podjetništvo (zpop-1).
2007. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 102. https://
Zeng, X. S., M. X. Xie in M. C. Tam. 2010. »Relation-
ship between Cooperation Networks and Innova-
tion Performance of smes.« Technovation 30 (3):
management 16 (2021) številka 2 67
cijami kriva predvsem primanjkovanje znanja in Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša. 2016. »Mre-
usposobljenosti ter nepoznavanje sistema s spre- ženje.« Terminološka svetovalnica. https://isjfr.zrc
mljajočo zapleteno birokracijo.
Literatura Kavaš, D. 1998. Slovenski nacionalni inovacijski sistem v
Benavente, D., D. Soumitra in S. Wunsch-Vincent. 2012. primerjavi z nacionalnimi inovacijskimi sistemi v iz-
branih državah Evropske unije. Ljubljana: Ekonom-
»The Global Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Inno- ska fakulteta.
vation Linkages for Global Growth.« V The Global
Innovation Index 2012: Stronger Innovation Linkages Konda, I. 2014. »Unija inovacij in inovacijska dejavnost
for Global Growth, ur. D. Soumitra, 3–80. Fontaine- Slovenije.« Revija za ekonomske in poslovne vede 1 (1):
bleau: insead. 38–50.
Biggs, T., in M. K. Shah. 2006. »African smes, Ne-
tworks, and Manufacturing Performance.« Journal Munih Stanič, Š. 2003. »Medorganizacijske in medpod-
of Banking and Finance 30 (11): 3043–3066. jetniške mreže: pregled in smernice za nadaljnje
Birley, S. 1985. »The Role of Networks in the Entrere- raziskave.« Magistrsko delo, Univerza v Ljubljani.
neruial Process.« Journal of Business Venturing 1 (1):
107–117. Nieto, M. J., in L. Santamaria. 2007. »The Importance
Bratkovič, T., in B. Antončič. 2008. »Podjetniške mreže.« of Diverse Collaborative Networks for the Novelty
V Podjetništvo, ur. M. Ruzzier, B. Antončič, T. Brat- of Product Innovation.« Technovation 27 (6–7): 367–
kovič in R. Hisrich, 81–92. Koper: Društvo za aka- 377.
demske in aplikativne raziskave.
Buckley, P. J. 1993. »Foreign Direct Investment by Small Ritter, T., in H. G. Gemünden. 2003. »Network Compe-
and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Theoretical tence its Impact on Innovation Success and Its An-
Background.« V The Internationalization of the Firm: tecedents.« Journal of Business Research 56 (9): 745–
A Reader, ur. P. J. Buckley in P. N. Ghauri, 89–100. 755.
London: Academic Press.
European Commission. 2011. Opportunities for the In- Ritter, T., in H. G. Gemünden. 2004. »The Impact of a
ternationalisation of European smes: Final Report. Company’s Business Strategy on Its Technological
Bruselj: European Commission. Competence, Network Competence and Innovation
Godin, B., in Y. Gingras. 2000. »The Place of Universi- Success.« Journal of Business Research 57 (5): 544–
ties in the Knowledge Production.« Research Policy 556.
29 (2): 273–275.
Harrison, B. 1992. »Industrial Districts: Old Wine in Ruzzier, M., in M. Konečnik Ruzzier. 2007. »Internaci-
New Bottles?« Regional Studies 26 (5): 469–483. onalizacija malih in srednjih podjetij: integrativni
Hitt, M. A., R. D. Ireland, S. M. Camp in D. L. Sexton. konceptualni model.« Organizacija 40 (1): 42–53.
2001. »Guest Editors’ Introduction to the Special
Issue Strategic Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Singh, R. P., G. E. Hills, G. T. Lumpkin in R. C. Hybels.
Strategies for Wealth Creation.« Strategic Manage- 1999. The Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
ment Journal 22 (6–7): 479–491. Process: Examining the Role of Self-Perceived Aler-
Hoang, H., in N. Young. 2000. Social Embeddedness and tness and Social Networks. Chicago: Academy of Ma-
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition: (More) Evi- nagement.
dence of Embeddedness. Wellesley, ma: Babson Col-
lege. Smeltzer, L. R., B. L. Van Hook, R. W. Hutt. 1991. »Ana-
Hotz-Hart, B. 2000. »Innovation Networks, Regions lysis and Use of Advisors as Information Sources in
and Globalization.« V The Oxford Handbook of Eco- Venture Startups.« Journal of Small Business Mana-
nomic Geography, ur. G. L. Clark, M. P. Feldman in gement 29 (3): 10–20.
M. S. Gertler, 432–450. New York: Oxford Univer-
sity Press. Zakon o podpornem okolju za podjetništvo (zpop-1).
2007. Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 102. https://
Zeng, X. S., M. X. Xie in M. C. Tam. 2010. »Relation-
ship between Cooperation Networks and Innova-
tion Performance of smes.« Technovation 30 (3):
management 16 (2021) številka 2 67