Page 31 - Management 18 (1)
P. 31
ona Kustec Poslovna etika in bonton:
Univerza na Primorskem, zgodovinsko osredotočen
Fakulteta za management pregled literature
Dober management se ne odraža zgolj z izbiro in uporabo dobro premi-
šljenih tehnik ter orodij managementa, ampak tudi s človeškim kapita-
lom, ki ga vložimo v katero koli poslovno idejo ter z njo povezano na-
daljnje delo. S tovrstnim razumevanjem poslovni bonton prepoznavamo
kot temeljni sestavni del dobrega managementa, oprtega na etičnih na-
čelih. V prispevku izvedemo pregled literature o razumevanju, vlogi in
prevladujočih značilnostih poslovnega bontona. Pri analizi nas vodijo na-
slednji vidiki: (a) katere temeljne strokovno-znanstvene ideje opredelju-
jejo pogled na poslovni bonton skozi čas; (b) kateri so temeljni dejavniki
poslovnega bontona v določenem zgodovinskem obdobju; (c) kakšen je
pogled na vlogo poslovnega bontona v in za management. Zaključki po-
trjujejo obstoj, a različno vlogo poslovnega bontona skozi različna obdo-
bja in razvojne cikle. Navkljub tem razlikam pa je možno prepoznati niz
naslednjih stalnih dejavnikov, ki opisujejo vsakokratni karakter poslov-
nega bontona: (a) splošno stanje sistema; (b) vloge in medsebojni odnosi
v sistemu; (c) vodilne vrednote. To spoznanje nas nadalje vodi k izdelavi
in testiranju posebnega modela poslovnega bontona, ki ga bomo pred-
stavili v naslednji številki revije Management.
Ključne besede: poslovni bonton, poslovna etika, management, zgodovin-
ski razvoj, vrednote
Business Ethics and Etiquette: A Historically Driven
Literature Review
Good management is not only reflected in the choice and application of
well thought-out management techniques and tools, but also in the hu-
man capital invested in any business idea and the follow-up work. With
this understanding, we recognise business etiquette as a fundamental
component of good management based on ethical principles. In this pa-
per, we review the literature on the understanding, role and prevailing
characteristics of business etiquette. The analysis is guided by the fol-
lowing aspects: (a) what are the underlying scholarly ideas that define
the view of business etiquette over time and geo-civilisational spaces;
(b) what are the underlying determinants of business etiquette in a given
historical period; (c) what is the view of the role of business etiquette in
and for management. The conclusions confirm the existence and impor-
tance of various business etiquette practices through different periods
and development cycles. Despite the differences, it is possible to identify
a set of the following constant determinants that describe the charac-
ter of business etiquette at each time: (a) general state of the system; (b)
roles and relationships within the system; (c) leading values. The stated
insights lead us further to develop and test a specific model of business
etiquette, which will be presented in the next issue of this journal.
Keywords: business etiquette, business ethics, management, historical
development, values
management 18 (2023) številka 1 31
Univerza na Primorskem, zgodovinsko osredotočen
Fakulteta za management pregled literature
Dober management se ne odraža zgolj z izbiro in uporabo dobro premi-
šljenih tehnik ter orodij managementa, ampak tudi s človeškim kapita-
lom, ki ga vložimo v katero koli poslovno idejo ter z njo povezano na-
daljnje delo. S tovrstnim razumevanjem poslovni bonton prepoznavamo
kot temeljni sestavni del dobrega managementa, oprtega na etičnih na-
čelih. V prispevku izvedemo pregled literature o razumevanju, vlogi in
prevladujočih značilnostih poslovnega bontona. Pri analizi nas vodijo na-
slednji vidiki: (a) katere temeljne strokovno-znanstvene ideje opredelju-
jejo pogled na poslovni bonton skozi čas; (b) kateri so temeljni dejavniki
poslovnega bontona v določenem zgodovinskem obdobju; (c) kakšen je
pogled na vlogo poslovnega bontona v in za management. Zaključki po-
trjujejo obstoj, a različno vlogo poslovnega bontona skozi različna obdo-
bja in razvojne cikle. Navkljub tem razlikam pa je možno prepoznati niz
naslednjih stalnih dejavnikov, ki opisujejo vsakokratni karakter poslov-
nega bontona: (a) splošno stanje sistema; (b) vloge in medsebojni odnosi
v sistemu; (c) vodilne vrednote. To spoznanje nas nadalje vodi k izdelavi
in testiranju posebnega modela poslovnega bontona, ki ga bomo pred-
stavili v naslednji številki revije Management.
Ključne besede: poslovni bonton, poslovna etika, management, zgodovin-
ski razvoj, vrednote
Business Ethics and Etiquette: A Historically Driven
Literature Review
Good management is not only reflected in the choice and application of
well thought-out management techniques and tools, but also in the hu-
man capital invested in any business idea and the follow-up work. With
this understanding, we recognise business etiquette as a fundamental
component of good management based on ethical principles. In this pa-
per, we review the literature on the understanding, role and prevailing
characteristics of business etiquette. The analysis is guided by the fol-
lowing aspects: (a) what are the underlying scholarly ideas that define
the view of business etiquette over time and geo-civilisational spaces;
(b) what are the underlying determinants of business etiquette in a given
historical period; (c) what is the view of the role of business etiquette in
and for management. The conclusions confirm the existence and impor-
tance of various business etiquette practices through different periods
and development cycles. Despite the differences, it is possible to identify
a set of the following constant determinants that describe the charac-
ter of business etiquette at each time: (a) general state of the system; (b)
roles and relationships within the system; (c) leading values. The stated
insights lead us further to develop and test a specific model of business
etiquette, which will be presented in the next issue of this journal.
Keywords: business etiquette, business ethics, management, historical
development, values
management 18 (2023) številka 1 31