Page 73 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 73
ia universitatistrawler from WW1) between Prvić and Zlar of the NP Kornati which is one of the most
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 73 in; a plane pike sunk at the Žira (there are only famous diving sites in Croatia.
3 more known underwater locations of such a
plane in Europe); amsthorum site from 3st.p.n.e. In the Šibenik archipelago there is a signif-
near Kaprija; sunken German ship in the Sibe icant number of underwater archeologi-
nik channel. cal sites that are under the protection of the
Ministry of Culture and are issued conces-
Ancient Diving Sites sions for diving at those locations. Most div-
Sites under protection of Ministry of culture ing clubs believe that the concession price is
RC: too high, so no one in the area of the Šibe-
Žirje Island nik archipelago has responded to a bid pub-
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-52 lished 2 years ago for the period 2014-2018.
Number of possible permissions: 2
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Resource And Attractive Base For Non-
5.000,00 kn Diving Activities
Special condition: permit holders are obliged to Beaches
clean the protective net There are numerous quiet coves and one big peb
Kakanj Island ble beach between Prvić Luka and Šepurina.
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-238
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-240 There are 2 major pebble beaches in Vod
Number of possible permissions: 3 ice that abound with entertainment, especially
Minimum annual fee for one down payment: those for children.
5,000.00 kn
Island Krapanj Cultural Heritage And Manifestations
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-239 The most important cultural and historical
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-242 monuments are considered the historical archi
Number of possible permissions: 3 tectural ensemble of Vodice, Prvić Šepurina and
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Prvić Luka.
5.000,00 kn
Muna, island of Žirje Prvić Luka - Sr., ancient sites; St. Roch
- Ancient Shipwreck Muna, Žirje Z-53 Grove (antiquity); Lower Banda, Tower Defense
Number of possible permissions: 3 (sr.v.); Faust Vrančić’s Nightmare (16th centu
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: ry); Church of Sv. Mary (15th century), Church
5.000,00 kn of Our Lady of Comparison (15th century);
Rogoznica Church of St. Roch (17th century); The Church
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-241 of Our Lady (18th century);
Number of possible permissions: 3
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Faust Vrančić Memorial Center is located
5.000,00 kn in Prvić Luka, where visitors can learn about the
life and works of this genre, see the collection of
The submarine destination is characterized models of his invention, and his most significant
by the diversity of localities with an empha- written works.
sis on a large number of natural sites / attrac-
tions. The great attraction is also the vicinity In the immediate vicinity of the destination
is Šibenik (Cathedral of UNESCO, St.Nicolas
fortress) while at a distance for a day trip there
are 3 cities with rich cultural heritage and tourist
offer (Split-UNESCO, Trogir-UNESCO , The
Zadar defense system of Zadar-UNESCO).
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 73 in; a plane pike sunk at the Žira (there are only famous diving sites in Croatia.
3 more known underwater locations of such a
plane in Europe); amsthorum site from 3st.p.n.e. In the Šibenik archipelago there is a signif-
near Kaprija; sunken German ship in the Sibe icant number of underwater archeologi-
nik channel. cal sites that are under the protection of the
Ministry of Culture and are issued conces-
Ancient Diving Sites sions for diving at those locations. Most div-
Sites under protection of Ministry of culture ing clubs believe that the concession price is
RC: too high, so no one in the area of the Šibe-
Žirje Island nik archipelago has responded to a bid pub-
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-52 lished 2 years ago for the period 2014-2018.
Number of possible permissions: 2
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Resource And Attractive Base For Non-
5.000,00 kn Diving Activities
Special condition: permit holders are obliged to Beaches
clean the protective net There are numerous quiet coves and one big peb
Kakanj Island ble beach between Prvić Luka and Šepurina.
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-238
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-240 There are 2 major pebble beaches in Vod
Number of possible permissions: 3 ice that abound with entertainment, especially
Minimum annual fee for one down payment: those for children.
5,000.00 kn
Island Krapanj Cultural Heritage And Manifestations
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-239 The most important cultural and historical
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-242 monuments are considered the historical archi
Number of possible permissions: 3 tectural ensemble of Vodice, Prvić Šepurina and
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Prvić Luka.
5.000,00 kn
Muna, island of Žirje Prvić Luka - Sr., ancient sites; St. Roch
- Ancient Shipwreck Muna, Žirje Z-53 Grove (antiquity); Lower Banda, Tower Defense
Number of possible permissions: 3 (sr.v.); Faust Vrančić’s Nightmare (16th centu
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: ry); Church of Sv. Mary (15th century), Church
5.000,00 kn of Our Lady of Comparison (15th century);
Rogoznica Church of St. Roch (17th century); The Church
- Ancient Shipwreck, Z-241 of Our Lady (18th century);
Number of possible permissions: 3
Minimum Annual Fee for One Permission: Faust Vrančić Memorial Center is located
5.000,00 kn in Prvić Luka, where visitors can learn about the
life and works of this genre, see the collection of
The submarine destination is characterized models of his invention, and his most significant
by the diversity of localities with an empha- written works.
sis on a large number of natural sites / attrac-
tions. The great attraction is also the vicinity In the immediate vicinity of the destination
is Šibenik (Cathedral of UNESCO, St.Nicolas
fortress) while at a distance for a day trip there
are 3 cities with rich cultural heritage and tourist
offer (Split-UNESCO, Trogir-UNESCO , The
Zadar defense system of Zadar-UNESCO).